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Applying a Head Flavor seems to break things #449

Open RayR10 opened 1 week ago

RayR10 commented 1 week ago

It seems that if you apply a Head Flavor to a custom mask, it will immediate take your Image File away. So then, back in the main Actor screen, you will need to reload it. But then, also, the Flavor seems to "break" the model. Or at least it does it with this "swaying" one. It seems that the body and the back of the head are swaying in the opposite direction of the Custom Skinmin Face mask. And the eyeballs are stuck in the middle. Perhaps that's by design, but that seems like a bug to me. Thanks.


RayR10 commented 1 week ago

Also... I am unable to clear this Head Flavor. In the Edit Head Menu, the top left Vanilla Ice Cream Cone doesn't reset it back to normal. It just continues to loop this Flavor/Animation. So, yeah, this seems to definitely be a bug. The Lime Green cone and the Vanilla Cone do the exact same thing in this situation. The only way to fix it is to just go back to the main menu and reselect your head from scratch.

RayR10 commented 1 week ago

Also, also... Feature Request... I just realized there is only one "User File" allowed and that one User File will be used on both the Body's User Flavor (rainbow cone) and also the Head's Flavor (rainbow cone in Edit Head Menu). I would think there should be a separate "Open File" option exclusively for the Head so the Head has it's own separate User Flavor. Thank you.