mdrokz / rust-llama.cpp

LLama.cpp rust bindings
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`LLama` is not `Send` #23

Closed tadad closed 10 months ago

tadad commented 10 months ago

I'm in a context where I have to instantiate a LLama instance once and then call it across threads. Within the compiler errors I see this which is probably of use:

error: future cannot be sent between threads safely
help: within `LLama`, the trait `std::marker::Send` is not implemented for `*mut c_void`

Is there any way to make LLama thread-safe? Or maybe some way to accomplish more or less the same thing where one model is being called to generate text from multiple threads?

markcda commented 10 months ago

Implementing Send for *mut c_void is foot-shot, AFAIKT. Well, you can see this commit. Main problem is in moving value from one position to another when you are prompting llama. It causes, for me, several redis errors (I'm using LLama in several fullstack apps). That's why you should not request this feature, in my opinion.

But! You can solve your problem by this implementation:

use llama_cpp_rs::{LLama, options::{ModelOptions, PredictOptions}};

pub fn start_llama_thread(
  llama_channel_rx: mpsc::Receiver<(String, mpsc::Sender<String>)>,
) {
  thread::spawn(move || {
    let llama = LLama::new(
      &ModelOptions {
        context_size: 2048,

    while let Ok((user_msg, response_tx)) = llama_channel_rx.recv() {
      let predict_options = PredictOptions {
        threads: 14,
        temperature: 0.7,
        penalty: 1.1,

      match llama.predict(
        format!("<|system|>\n</s>\n<|user|>\n{}</s>\n<|assistant|>", user_msg).into(),
      ) {
        Ok(result) => if let Err(e) = response_tx.send(result) { log::warn!("{}", e) },
        Err(e) => { log::warn!("{}", e) },


let (response_tx, response_rx) = mpsc::channel::<String>();
if let Err(_) = llama_channel_tx.send(("This is my own request to Zephyr! Hello! How are you?".into(), response_tx)) {
  return Err("Cannot ask the model.".into())

log::info!("Sent a request to Zephyr-7b-β model.");

match response_rx.recv() {
  Err(_) => Err("Cannot receive answer from model.".into()),
  Ok(result) => Ok(result),
tadad commented 10 months ago

I think with the code you provided llama_channel_rx.recv() should be llama_channel_rx.recv().await which causes the issues with Send. The other thing I was looking into (haven't gotten to work yet) is tokio::task::LocalSet which lets you run !Send things. Still unsure if that's the right move because the main thing I'm trying to avoid is the startup time with LLama::new() - I just want to instantiate it once on boot and then call it throughout the run of my program with an mpsc channel. Edit: I tried the commit with the unsafe impl of Send and it works! I'm starting to think that in my specific context I won't run into any issues with the unsafeness. Since every prompt to the llama is being passed in via an mpsc, the single consumer guarantees that all prompts are processed serially which is what we want. Am I right about that? Edit 2: every couple queries I get seg faults and other memory errors like this: Incorrect checksum for freed object 0x7ff00f505bf0: probably modified after being freed. Corrupt value: 0x6e61206e616d2061

markcda commented 10 months ago

I think with the code you provided llama_channel_rx.recv() should be llama_channel_rx.recv().await

It's should not, because you have to use std::sync::mpsc, not tokio::sync::mpsc. That's why it uses std::thread::spawn, not tokio::task::spawn.

UPD: One more time: "LLama is not Send" means "LLama should run only in single thread, without async context switch - without any async code at total". In standard thread it's guaranteed to be safe at Rust guards.

tadad commented 10 months ago

ahh my bad. This is working for me now, thanks!