mds08011 / shell-scripts

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Daily log #5

Open mds08011 opened 2 years ago

mds08011 commented 2 years ago

ep, daily, and then we recite the same thing at our daily morning standup.

Don't think I'll share a real one, they're probably proprietary and no upside for me in that. But I can give you a fake one.

Below is the top of my file. The last entry, the dated one, gets pushed down every day under a fresh one, and I update it as I go during the day.

The markup syntax is vimwiki, but it could be any markup. Years ago I used to use markup something like this without transforming it, before there was anything like markdown or reST.

At the end of the day I run Vimwiki2HTML from within vim, and my daily status html page is updated; it's just a local page, I don't serve it. I copy today's entry from that and email my boss. Ten years ago I would have just copied the plain text from the vim file.

Every once in awhile I email the ever growing file to myself at home.

Scripts that generate the daily template after the example.


==Long term ToDo==

==Immediate ToDo==

==2013.03.22 Friday==




This generates a date:

$ cat bin/adate

! /usr/bin/env bash

dt="$1" || "today" date --date="$dt" +"%Y.%m.%d %A"

$ adate 2013.03.22 Friday

$ adate Monday 2013.03.25 Monday

$ adate "last Monday" 2013.03.18 Monday

$ adate "next Friday" 2013.03.29 Friday

And this generates a daily entry skeleton:

$ cat bin/edate

! /usr/bin/env bash

dt="$1" || "today" echo "==$(adate $dt)==" echo "" echo "===Today===" echo "" echo "" echo "===Tomorrow===" echo "" echo "" echo "===Roadblocks===" echo "*" echo "" echo ""

$ edate ==2013.03.22 Friday==

===Today=== *

===Tomorrow=== *

===Roadblocks=== *

Then in vim, put your cursor above the previous day's entry, and:


which creates a new blank entry with one empty bullet per section.