mds1 / multicall

Multicall: Aggregate multiple constant function call results into one
MIT License
903 stars 150 forks source link

Deployment: Stylus Testnet #204

Closed afosan closed 5 months ago

afosan commented 5 months ago

Chain Name

Stylus Testnet

Chain ID



Block Explorer URL

Deployment Funds


afosan commented 5 months ago

I actually tried to deploy it myself with the following as instructed.

# `TX` is the signed transaction above.
# `RPC_URL` is the RPC URL of the chain you want to deploy to.
cast publish $TX --rpc-url $RPC_URL

Unfortunately, it failed as RPC does not accept non-EIP155 transactions.

(code: -32000, message: only replay-protected (EIP-155) transactions allowed over RPC, data: None)

I could not find another public RPC, and have no time to setup a node myself for the following days. I can only think of two solutions: 1) Please kindly send the transaction with the chain id explicitly set. 2) I contacted Offchain labs on discord so hopefully they can broadcast the signed transaction to the network, circumventing EIP155 limitation with the public RPC.


edit: Deployed and verified Multicall3 here for now, of course at a different address.

mds1 commented 5 months ago

Done, thanks!

afosan commented 5 months ago

thanks @mds1! I published & verified the source code on the explorer.