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How to retrieve definition of form field variable format rules? #119

Closed vagarwal77 closed 3 years ago

vagarwal77 commented 3 years ago


I need some help to understand format rules and how to get them via rwslib? Heigh field (M_VSSTAT_HEIGHT) has a format of "$10". Where and how i can get these rules via rwelib so, we can have client side validations also?

We have seen different formats like $10, $10.4, 6, 3 etc etc image

isparks commented 3 years ago

You can download the CDISC ODM format of a study via the MetadataVersions endpoint. This includes the data format for forms. You need to parse the ODM XML format yourself but it's not rocket surgery.


Note that as the docs say, there isn't a way to get an ODM document representing a Draft only a Version. The difference for those that don't know and may be listening in, is that a Version is a Draft that has been "published".

glow-mdsol commented 3 years ago

You can compose the original Rave data formats from the metadata in the ODM; the mdsol:VariableOIDon the odm:ItemDef can be used to identify the variable and then by looking at odm:DataType, odm:Length and odm:SignificantDigits attributes you should be able to reconstitute the Rave Variable format. Similarly for the odm:CodeListRef and odm:MeasurementUnitRef for the Data Dictionaries and Unit Dictionaries, respectively.

glow-mdsol commented 3 years ago

Something like the following should work....

def extract_variable(idef, ns):
    Extract a Variable from an ItemDef
    :param Element idef: ItemDef instance
    :param dict ns: namespace
    :rtype OE
    variable = dict(OID=idef.get(mdsol("VariableOID")), DataType=idef.get("DataType"))
    if idef.get("Length") is not None:
        variable["Length"] = int(idef.get("Length"))
    if idef.find("./odm:CodeListRef", namespaces=ns) is not None:
        cl = idef.find("./odm:CodeListRef", namespaces=ns)
        variable["DataDictionary"] = cl.get("CodeListOID")
    if idef.get(mdsol("CodingDictionary")) is not None:
        variable["CodingDictionary"] = idef.get(mdsol("CodingDictionary"))
    measurement_units = extract_measurement_unit_refs(idef, ns)
    if measurement_units:
        for item in measurement_units:
            if not item.Fixed:
                # only add the UnitDictionary (only at the Variable level for the UnitDictionary)
                variable["UnitDictionary"] = item.UnitDictionary
    if idef.get("DataType") == "text":
        variable["DataFormat"] = f"${idef.get('Length')}"
    elif idef.get("DataType") in ("integer",):
        variable["DataFormat"] = idef.get("Length")
    elif idef.get("DataType") in ("float",):
        variable["DataFormat"] = f"{idef.get('Length')}.{idef.get('SignificantDigits')}"
    elif idef.get("DataType") in ("date", "time", "datetime"):
        variable["DataFormat"] = idef.get(mdsol("DateTimeFormat"))
    return OE("Variable", variable)

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