label: wolf-bend-room36712-default (with options)
List of 1
$ include: logi FALSE
|.......................................... | 60%
inline R code fragments
|........................................................ | 80%
label: unnamed-chunk-155 (with options)
List of 2
$ message: logi FALSE
$ warning: logi FALSE
processing file: ~/Downloads/foo.Rmd
To enable
caching of data, set `options(tigris_use_cache = TRUE)` in your R script or .Rprofile.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'state'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
Quitting from lines 13-55 (~/Downloads/foo.Rmd)
Quitting from lines 8-11 (~/Downloads/foo.Rmd)
Error: Problem with `mutate()` input `CD115FP`.
x object 'CD115FP' not found
i Input `CD115FP` is `sub("^0+", "", CD115FP)`.
1. +-base::local(...)
2. | \-base::eval.parent(substitute(eval(quote(expr), envir)))
3. | \-base::eval(expr, p)
4. | \-base::eval(expr, p)