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the ghrsst grid weirdness #5

Open mdsumner opened 4 months ago

mdsumner commented 4 months ago


mdsumner commented 4 months ago
ex <- c(-180, 180, -89.875, 89.875)
#> [1] 0.01
#> [1] 0.009986666
length(seq(-90 + 0.01/2, 90 - 0.01/2, by = 0.01))
#> [1] 18000

length(seq(89.9905, -89.9905, by = -0.01))
#> [1] 17999
#[1] 17999

ncsrc <- "/rdsi/PUBLIC/raad/data/"

gdalex <- vapour::vapour_raster_info(sprintf("NetCDF:%s:analysed_sst", ncsrc))$extent
#[1] -179.995  180.005  -89.995   89.995

lat <- angstroms::rawdata(ncsrc, "lat")
lon <- angstroms::rawdata(ncsrc, "lon")

#> [1] -179.99  180.00
#> [1] -89.99  89.99
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
## UL --------------------------------------------------------------------------
plot(NA, xlim = c(-180, -179.95), ylim = c(89.95, 90), asp = 1, xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
abline(v = -180, h = 90)
points(expand.grid(head(lon), tail(lat)))
vaster::plot_extent(gdalex, border = "red", add = TRUE)

#abline(v = seq(-180, -179, by = 0.01))
#abline(h = seq(90, 89.95, by = -0.01))
#abline(h = 89.9905)

## UR --------------------------------------------------------------------------
plot(NA, xlim = c(179.95, 180), ylim = c(89.95, 90), asp = 1, xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
title("maxlat = max(lat)")
abline(v = 180, h = 90)
points(expand.grid(tail(lon), tail(lat)))
vaster::plot_extent(gdalex, border = "red", add = TRUE)
## LL --------------------------------------------------------------------------
plot(NA, xlim = c(-180, -179.95), ylim = c(-90, -89.95), asp = 1, xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
abline(v = -180, h = -90)
points(expand.grid(head(lon), head(lat)))
vaster::plot_extent(gdalex, border = "red", add = TRUE)
## LR --------------------------------------------------------------------------
plot(NA, xlim = c(179.95, 180), ylim = c(-90, -89.95), asp = 1, xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")
abline(v = 180, h = -90)
points(expand.grid(tail(lon), head(lat)))
vaster::plot_extent(gdalex, border = "red", add = TRUE, xlab = "lon", ylab = "lat")

Created on 2024-02-23 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

mdsumner commented 4 months ago

fleshed this out more over at this gist: