Open mdsumner opened 6 years ago
There's a lot of this in the package remote
Code to reproduce the first plot, (close)
access_pr_file <- 'data/'
dset <- brick(access_pr_file, varname = "pr")
clim <- stackApply(dset, indices = rep(1, nlayers(dset)), fun = mean) * 24 * 3600
## the default plotting in python seems to clamp to this range, based on the
## input breaks
clim[clim > 12.5] <- 12.5
plot(raster(list(x = lon, y = lat, z = x)), col = viridis::viridis(11), zlim = c(0, 12.5))
maps::map("world2", add = TRUE)
Some examples from python we could use in R
xarray has this for a climatology over time
In R with a 3D array (x, y, time) that would be
and in raster it's
I'm not sure what raster needs to keep it out of memory, but at any rate we can't set margin to anything but 1:2 in raster.
group by
Here "time.season" appears to be an xarray thing on an intepreted time axis, it's the triplets of months? (That seems common, but I don't see these entities in the ACCESS files).
In R, for the particular file