I get this error if I use a left_join(data(), by = c("iso_a2" = "countryCode")) inside a reactive() in shiny
Warning: Error in group_by: Must group by variables found in .data. x ColumncountryCodeis not found.
But the exact same code works in a regular .R script.
Also using a filter(name %in% c("Spain", "Germany")) works inside ractive, but not
filter(name %in% input$countrynames) where input$countrynames returns a list like c("Spain", "Germany")
I get this error if I use a left_join(data(), by = c("iso_a2" = "countryCode")) inside a reactive() in shiny
Warning: Error in group_by: Must group by variables found in
.data. x Column
countryCodeis not found.
But the exact same code works in a regular .R script.
Also using a filter(name %in% c("Spain", "Germany")) works inside ractive, but not filter(name %in% input$countrynames) where input$countrynames returns a list like c("Spain", "Germany")
Thanks in advance