mduran80 / daikin_madoka

Home Assistant custom component integration for the BRC1H thermostat (madoka)
MIT License
42 stars 10 forks source link

Hacs #1

Open fjgordillo86 opened 3 years ago

fjgordillo86 commented 3 years ago

Hola, antes de nada darte la enhorabuena por el gran trabajo realizado.Lo tengo implementado en Raspberry Pi 3+ en la versión 2021.1.3. Tienes pensado añadirlo en HACS? Así resultaria más fácil realizar el seguimiento de las actualizaciones que realices.

Un saludo.

mduran80 commented 3 years ago

Hola, me alegro de que te esté dando servicio. He pensado integrarlo directamente en el Core de HA, pero no he tenido tiempo de cumplir con los requisitos. Aún así, he querido publicarlo como custom para que se pueda ir usando

mario-tux commented 1 year ago

@mduran80 As the PR to include the component into HA looks stuck... you could provide the support to HACS. Are you going to reiterate the PR to HA?

mduran80 commented 1 year ago

Probably not, too much work tbh. I had to write all the tests and the coverage tests and took me a lot of effort just to be ignored by the HA reviewers.

I will have a look at HACS.

mario-tux commented 1 year ago

I can understand your frustration about the end of previous PR. It happens and, sometimes, it could depend on just the wrong moment. In a different moment they could be go in. You could try to re-open a new PR. The support for the new (active) bluetooth proxy system could be a feature they could appreciate.

my 2¢