me-box / databox

Databox container manager and dashboard server
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Apps does not received data #67

Closed tsh-box closed 7 years ago

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

I installed a app-light-graph . When I click the running app,the following error is shown and attached the UI screenshot 000

Toshbrown commented 7 years ago

can you post any js errors is the browsers developer console and the output of:

docker service logs app-light-graph

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

console error are as following

databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [Proxy] GET: /app-light-graph/ui => https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [databox-request] ExternalRequest https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [Proxy] ERROR: /app-light-graph/ui getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN app-light-graph:8080 databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [Proxy] GET: /app-light-graph/ui => https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [databox-request] ExternalRequest https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [Proxy] ERROR: /app-light-graph/ui connect ECONNREFUSED databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [Proxy] GET: /app-light-graph/ui => https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [databox-request] ExternalRequest https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [Proxy] ERROR: /app-light-graph/ui connect ECONNREFUSED databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [Proxy] GET: /app-light-graph/ui => https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [databox-request] ExternalRequest https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.k1gabtbnwicv@databox | [Proxy] ERROR: /app-light-graph/ui connect ECONNREFUSED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// I executed 'docker service logs app-light-graph' and logs are following

app-light-graph.1.7liqplhugt9v@databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: Failed to exec start script app-light-graph.1.oj4v8glhlyjz@databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: Failed to exec start script app-light-graph.1.kjomg9nux6a3@databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: Failed to exec start script app-light-graph.1.luchdb66iudn@databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: Failed to exec start script app-light-graph.1.luchdb66iudn@databox | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE app-light-graph.1.7liqplhugt9v@databox | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE app-light-graph.1.oj4v8glhlyjz@databox | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE app-light-graph.1.kjomg9nux6a3@databox | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE app-light-graph.1.kjomg9nux6a3@databox | npm ERR! errno 1 app-light-graph.1.luchdb66iudn@databox | npm ERR! errno 1 app-light-graph.1.7liqplhugt9v@databox | npm ERR! errno 1 app-light-graph.1.oj4v8glhlyjz@databox | npm ERR! errno 1 app-light-graph.1.oj4v8glhlyjz@databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph@0.1.0 start: node server.js app-light-graph.1.kjomg9nux6a3@databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph@0.1.0 start: node server.js app-light-graph.1.luchdb66iudn@databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph@0.1.0 start: node server.js app-light-graph.1.7liqplhugt9v@databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph@0.1.0 start: node server.js app-light-graph.1.7liqplhugt9v@databox | npm ERR! Exit status 1 app-light-graph.1.oj4v8glhlyjz@databox | npm ERR! Exit status 1 app-light-graph.1.kjomg9nux6a3@databox | npm ERR! Exit status 1 app-light-graph.1.luchdb66iudn@databox | npm ERR! Exit status 1 app-light-graph.1.luchdb66iudn@databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph.1.7liqplhugt9v@databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph.1.oj4v8glhlyjz@databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph.1.kjomg9nux6a3@databox | npm ERR!

Toshbrown commented 7 years ago

Right, I've just fixed the other issue and tested this one with the new code and can't replicate the error.

Can you give it another go and see if it works now? Use the master branch.

If it's still not working the errors from your web browsers console will be useful.



tsh-box commented 7 years ago

hi, I installed app-light-graph,the status of the installation is always suddenly changed such as running,created and I confirm with docker service ls

[root@localhost databox]# docker service ls ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE PORTS 39kdfam0kjor databox_app-server replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/app-server:latest :8181->8181/tcp 60nhrtlsdypd app-light-graph-store-json replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/store-json
a9zl57afvouz databox_container-manager replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/container-manager:latest
:8989->8989/tcp jefeljvlshsz databox_export-service replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/export-service:latest
jl3dgdgpkpxh databox_syslog replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/syslog:latest
wgu80a6zcygj databox_arbiter replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/arbiter:latest
wvx45n0totpj driver-sensingkit-store-json replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/store-json
y8fqlhgbr938 driver-sensingkit replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/driver-sensingkit
yl8dd75eddf1 app-light-graph replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/app-light-graph
[root@localhost databox]# docker service ls ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE PORTS 39kdfam0kjor databox_app-server replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/app-server:latest :8181->8181/tcp 60nhrtlsdypd app-light-graph-store-json replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/store-json
a9zl57afvouz databox_container-manager replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/container-manager:latest
:8989->8989/tcp jefeljvlshsz databox_export-service replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/export-service:latest
jl3dgdgpkpxh databox_syslog replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/syslog:latest
wgu80a6zcygj databoxarbiter replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/arbiter:latest
wvx45n0totpj driver-sensingkit-store-json replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/store-json
y8fqlhgbr938 driver-sensingkit replicated 1/1 databoxsystems/driver-sensingkit
yl8dd75eddf1 app-light-graph replicated 0/1 databoxsystems/app-light-graph_

The console log are as following when I clicked the app-light-graph app,

databox_container-manager.1.kzudxm31uejy@localhost.databox | [Proxy] GET: /app-light-graph/ui => https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.kzudxm31uejy@localhost.databox | [databox-request] ExternalRequest https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.kzudxm31uejy@localhost.databox | [Proxy] ERROR: /app-light-graph/ui connect ECONNREFUSED databox_container-manager.1.kzudxm31uejy@localhost.databox | [Proxy] GET: /app-light-graph/ui => https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.kzudxm31uejy@localhost.databox | [databox-request] ExternalRequest https://app-light-graph:8080/ui databox_container-manager.1.kzudxm31uejy@localhost.databox | [Proxy] ERROR: /app-light-graph/ui getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND app-light-graph app-light-graph:8080


and I also confirm the Store Tab,app-light-graph store json is running



Thank you,

Toshbrown commented 7 years ago

Whats the output of:

docker service logs app-light-graph

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

[root@localhost databox]# docker service logs app-light-graph app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm info it worked if it ends with ok app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm info it worked if it ends with ok app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm info it worked if it ends with ok app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm info it worked if it ends with ok app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm info using npm@5.3.0 app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm info using npm@5.3.0 app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm info using npm@5.3.0 app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm info using npm@5.3.0 app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm info using node@v8.2.0 app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm info using node@v8.2.0 app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm info using node@v8.2.0 app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm info using node@v8.2.0 app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~prestart: app-light-graph@0.1.0 app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~prestart: app-light-graph@0.1.0 app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | > app-light-graph@0.1.0 start / app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | > app-light-graph@0.1.0 start / app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: app-light-graph@0.1.0 app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: app-light-graph@0.1.0 app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | > node server.js app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | > node server.js app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | > app-light-graph@0.1.0 start / app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | > app-light-graph@0.1.0 start / app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~prestart: app-light-graph@0.1.0 app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | > node server.js app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | > node server.js app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~prestart: app-light-graph@0.1.0 app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: app-light-graph@0.1.0 app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: app-light-graph@0.1.0 app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | url.js:102 app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | url.js:102 app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | url.js:102 app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | url.js:102 app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | throw new TypeError('Parameter "url" must be a string, not ' + typeof url); app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | throw new TypeError('Parameter "url" must be a string, not ' + typeof url); app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | throw new TypeError('Parameter "url" must be a string, not ' + typeof url); app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | throw new TypeError('Parameter "url" must be a string, not ' + typeof url); app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | ^ app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | ^ app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | ^ app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | ^ app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | TypeError: Parameter "url" must be a string, not undefined app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | TypeError: Parameter "url" must be a string, not undefined app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | TypeError: Parameter "url" must be a string, not undefined app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | TypeError: Parameter "url" must be a string, not undefined app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at Url.parse (url.js:102:11) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at Url.parse (url.js:102:11) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at Url.parse (url.js:102:11) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at Url.parse (url.js:102:11) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at Object.urlParse [as parse] (url.js:96:5) app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at Object.urlParse [as parse] (url.js:96:5) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at Object.urlParse [as parse] (url.js:96:5) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at Object.urlParse [as parse] (url.js:96:5) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at Object. (/server.js:15:67) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at Object. (/server.js:15:67) app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at Object. (/server.js:15:67) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at Object. (/server.js:15:67) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at Module._compile (module.js:569:30) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at Module._compile (module.js:569:30) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at Module._compile (module.js:569:30) app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at Module._compile (module.js:569:30) app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:580:10) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at Module.load (module.js:503:32) app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at Module.load (module.js:503:32) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at Module.load (module.js:503:32) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at Module.load (module.js:503:32) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at tryModuleLoad (module.js:466:12) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at tryModuleLoad (module.js:466:12) app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at tryModuleLoad (module.js:466:12) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at tryModuleLoad (module.js:466:12) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at Function.Module._load (module.js:458:3) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at Function.Module._load (module.js:458:3) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at Function.Module._load (module.js:458:3) app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at Function.Module._load (module.js:458:3) app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:605:10) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:605:10) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:605:10) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:605:10) app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | at startup (bootstrap_node.js:158:16) app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | at startup (bootstrap_node.js:158:16) app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | at startup (bootstrap_node.js:158:16) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | at startup (bootstrap_node.js:158:16) app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: Failed to exec start script app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: Failed to exec start script app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: Failed to exec start script app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm info lifecycle app-light-graph@0.1.0~start: Failed to exec start script app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm ERR! errno 1 app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm ERR! errno 1 app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm ERR! errno 1 app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm ERR! errno 1 app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph@0.1.0 start: node server.js app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph@0.1.0 start: node server.js app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph@0.1.0 start: node server.js app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph@0.1.0 start: node server.js app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm ERR! Exit status 1 app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm ERR! Exit status 1 app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm ERR! Exit status 1 app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm ERR! Exit status 1 app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm ERR! app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm ERR! Failed at the app-light-graph@0.1.0 start script. app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm ERR! Failed at the app-light-graph@0.1.0 start script. app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm ERR! Failed at the app-light-graph@0.1.0 start script. app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm ERR! Failed at the app-light-graph@0.1.0 start script. app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above. app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: app-light-graph.1.xobwwbnyass5@localhost.databox | npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2017-07-25T10_09_40_741Z-debug.log app-light-graph.1.u4nc7lxylipd@localhost.databox | npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2017-07-25T10_09_21_174Z-debug.log app-light-graph.1.lg0fhwtmd3el@localhost.databox | npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2017-07-25T10_09_11_695Z-debug.log app-light-graph.1.d7gjw6ez14tr@localhost.databox | npm ERR! /root/.npm/_logs/2017-07-25T10_09_30_903Z-debug.log [root@localhost databox]#

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

Hi @laelaeaung, during the SLA process, did you bind the datasource exposed by the driver to this app? It should be a drop-down in the bottom before you hit launch.

The cause of this crash, for posterity, is that in your case, the environment variable DATASOURCE_DS_light is undefined, so DATASOURCE_DS_light.href is also undefined here, and url.parse complains. Ideally we should have Databox refuse to start an app if the required sources aren't bound, or else the apps should indicate that they won't function due to missing datasources (because of permissions or otherwise) instead of just crashing, but that is not yet the case.

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

Hi! @yousefamar , I have running the driver-sensinkit but not yet bind with datasource that means the data from smart phone,is it right?

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

Yes, so when you click the app to launch it, it should give you an "SLA" page first, and in the bottom, it should ask you what to bind. That way you can connect the driver's store to the app.

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

OK,firstly i need to bind the datasource with driver(driver-sensinkit) and then app install will work,Is it right? Sorry for my confirm message again. :) Thanks you,

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

No I'm talking about between store and app. The terminology is a bit confusing here, since those are also called datasources. When you install an app, there should be the view where you can control permissions, and towards the bottom you can add these datasources.

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

I want to successfully install app-light-graph what should I do ,Could you tell me,please?

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

Screenshot kindly provided by @jptmoore, I've circled the part I mean in red:


tsh-box commented 7 years ago

yes,me too light is unbound state.

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

If you click it does it let you select the source from the driver you have running? Since if it's unset, that's what made the app crash before.

tsh-box commented 7 years ago



So ,I stopped the databox with ./ and then executed ./ and installed the driver-sensingkit .When I confirmed the driver-sensingkit-store-json from Stores menu tab,Invalid API key is shown as following.


Why does occurs this error ?Yesterday ,there was no error .

Thank you,

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

Hi @laelaeaung, are you running in dev mode? Yesterday I made some changes to the arbiter, and it could be that you're using an old build. Apologies for the inconvenience. Could you first try to turn everything off and on again, by running ./ and ./

Were you able to bind the source yesterday?

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

So ,I stopped the databox with ./ and then executed ./ and installed the driver-sensingkit .

If you've already done that since then, could you try updating the local image of databox arbiter by running docker pull databoxsystems/arbiter?

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

Yesterday,I cannot be bind with source. I executed 'docker pull databoxsystems/arbiter'


yousefamar commented 7 years ago

Ok, now could you restart Databox, and make sure the driver and the store are stopped, then start the driver and app, and see if you still can't bind?

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

How to restart Databox?

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

I mean ./ && ./

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

I restarted databox and then reinstall the driver(driver-sensingkit ) and app(app-light-grap).It is still cannot be bound.Is it need to connect data from andriod app (eg.databox-source-mobile-debug.apk) ?

Toshbrown commented 7 years ago

Have you connected the phone?

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

not yet connected,I have no andriod phone, Can I use the andriod os from the virtualBox.

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

Do you still get Invalid API key/token?

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

Yes,I still get Invalid API key/token.Now I am install with dev mode like './ dev' ,Is this error concern about with dev mode?I cannot install with dev mode because memory space is not enough.

Toshbrown commented 7 years ago

Can you restart and try again, things should be fixed now.

I'm not sure if the app will work in the Android VM.

I'm hopefully adding some new apps in the next day or two, which don't need any external hardware.

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

I think in theory it should work, but the app UI might give you the wrong IP. You might have to use the VirtualBox Guest's IP, and you might have to configure some network settings too.

Edit: not to mention that of course the emulator does not have real sensors.

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

@Toshbrown , Yes,I can restart and try again.Tomorrow I will test with andriod phone :) I am looking forward to your new apps :) Thanks you

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

@yousefamar , Ok,Tomorrow I will test with the VirtualBox Guest's IP If any problem,I will ask you again :) Thank you.

Toshbrown commented 7 years ago

I have added app-os-monitor to enable testing without any extra hardware or external accounts

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

Hello!Tosh Thanks you for your ready made app for test. Today I used the latest source code from me/databox(master branch).I have installed driver-os-monitor and I attached the figure that is installing app-os-monitor


now can be selected the datasource and when click install button ,there is no working ,I attached the console figure


tsh-box commented 7 years ago

I did it. :) The app-os-monitor can test without any extra hardware,Thanks you. 000

For Other app, Firstly,driver installation needs and then this driver must join with data(eg; light,GPS) from devices by uploading json,etc;,Is it right?

yousefamar commented 7 years ago

For Other app, previously,driver installation and it must join with data(eg; light,GPS) from devices ,Is it right?


tsh-box commented 7 years ago

:) thanks you. Export service can be use in databox?

Toshbrown commented 7 years ago

Yes, I believe that the export service is functional. It's not been heavily tested though.

As you have it working I'm going to close this issue now. Feel free open a new one if you find anything else.

tsh-box commented 7 years ago

Thank you,