me-no-dev / ESPAsyncWebServer

Async Web Server for ESP8266 and ESP32
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Heap gentle serving of websites #1333

Open B4stl3r opened 11 months ago

B4stl3r commented 11 months ago

I've some websites which are served via the Asyncwebserver, including some .css, .js etc..

here you can see the free Heap before calling the website: [app] main: Free:94388, maxAlloc:69620

during sending of one page (which will also request additionally .css, .js..) via request->send(SPIFFS, ("/www" + page)); the free (ESP.getFreeHeap()) and maxAlloc Heap (ESP.getMaxAllocHeap()) goes dramatically down: [app] before sending: Free:89048, maxAlloc:65524 [app] after sending: Free:78320, maxAlloc:51188

[app] before sending: Free:76836, maxAlloc:51188 [app] after sending: Free:65600, maxAlloc:36852

[app] before sending: Free:70636, maxAlloc:42996 [app] after sending: Free:65808, maxAlloc:38900

[app] before sending: Free:65620, maxAlloc:34804 [app] after sending: Free:57096, maxAlloc:27636

so to serve the full site, I require ~ 40kb of heap.. after page is fully served, everything goes back to normal: [app] main: Free:95720, maxAlloc:69620

Already tried chunked response (taken from a thread here), but the Heap usage is similar (~2kb less).

  mWeb.on("/test2.html", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
  const File SPIFFSfile ="/www/setup.html", FILE_READ);
  if (SPIFFSfile){
    Serial.printf("[HTTP]\tSPIFFS File exists [%d]\r\n", SPIFFSfile);
  } else {
    Serial.printf("[HTTP]\tSPIFFS File DOESN'T exists [%d] <<< ERROR !!!\r\n", SPIFFSfile);
  AsyncWebServerResponse *response = request->beginChunkedResponse("text/html", [SPIFFSfile](uint8_t *buffer, size_t maxLen, size_t index) -> size_t {
      File SPIFFSLambdaFile = SPIFFSfile;                                   // Local copy of file pointer
      Serial.printf("[HTTP]\t[%d]\tINDEX [%d]\tBUFFER_MAX_LENGHT [%d]\r\n", index, SPIFFSLambdaFile.size(), maxLen);
      return, maxLen);


Any Idea's / Heap gentle code ?

horendus commented 10 months ago

Use 7-zip to compress your web files to gzip format and serve those instead for a great reduction in transfer size and ram usage.

If having issues on iPhone rename the files from JavaScript.jz.gz to JavaScript.jsgz. Remove the extra .

B4stl3r commented 10 months ago

that's what I already have in place ;)

Any other hints?