meabhisingh / mernProjectEcommerce

This is MERN Stack Ecommerce Project Made to Teach MERN Stack on YouTube
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TypeError: cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'name') #54

Open nilabhjaiswal opened 1 year ago

nilabhjaiswal commented 1 year ago

please help me i sort out params and images problem now stuck in this new problem help me plz

nilabhjaiswal commented 1 year ago

Brothers if you got this error use product && for product && product.images same for name for id for price and for stock use before every undefined error this product &&

Bdisha123 commented 1 year ago

how did you solved this error????please reply

Abhishek3303Singh commented 1 year ago

All the places where you get the error (cannot read properties of undefined) use product&& product ?. name and the same for all undefined errors and use the proper Loader.