meadowsage2016 / BWSIntranetIndividualProject

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Code Review 1 - Peter #2

Open pknibbe opened 7 years ago

pknibbe commented 7 years ago

Design/Code Review 1

Project: Badger Internal Website

Developer: Sue

Reviewer: Peter

Category Criteria Rating/Comments
Problem Statement Does it exist? reviewer rating/comments go here
Does the problem statement accurately describe project purpose? Yes
Is the problem statement professional? Think of prospective employers viewing this as part of the developer's portfolio. A bit rough
What is good? Motivated by business needs
What could be improved? It's a bit of a grab-bag. Organization and relationships between parts could be better defined
Design Documentation Does it exist? No
Is the navigation/flow through the application logical and easy to use? No
Is the order in which the fields are displayed and form fields entered logical and easy to use? No
What data is missing?
Is there data that is not used?
What is good?
What could be improved?
Data model Does it exist? Some of the tables have been listed
Is everything on the screens represented in the model?
Does the model represent good database design?
What is good?
What could be better?
Additional design documents
Application structure in IntelliJ Does it exist? ?
Is the structure correct for a Maven project?
Are packages and classs appropriately named?
Other comments/notes?
JSPs Do they exist?
Is templating used (for example, header.jsp, footer.jsp, etc.)?
Is there business logic mixed in the JSPs?
Other comments/notes?
Entities/DAOs/Controllers Do they exist?
Java code quality Are methods single-purpose?
Are classes appropriately-sized classes (no monster classes)?
Are the same lines of code repeated at all?
Do any classes perform very similar functions that could be candidates for super/subclass relationships?
Are any values hard-coded that should be in a properties file?
Are variable names descriptive?
Are there many branches or loops that could be simplified or broken up into smaller methods?
Do the DAOs use Hibernate? No hard-coded sql!
Other comments/notes?
Logging Has log4J been added?
Are there logging statements in the code?
Are appropriate logging levels used? Info, debug, error, for example.
Are there any System.out.printlns in the code?
Other comments/notes?
Unit Tests Do they exist?
Do the tests pass?
What is the current code coverage?
Is each test truly a unit test or are they functional tests?
Other comments/notes?
Web Service/API integration Has a web service/api been selected? Weather?
What web services/apis might work well with this application?
Independent research topic Has a topic been selected?
What topic/s might fit well in this application?
pawaitemadisoncollege commented 7 years ago