meaganewaller / web

frontend for my developer blog
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Improve Blog Performance through Optimization Techniques #8

Open meaganewaller opened 4 months ago

meaganewaller commented 4 months ago

As a developer and blog owner, I want to optimize the performance of my blog by implementing various techniques, So that I can enhance page load speed and overall user experience for visitors accessing the blog.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Assessment of Current Performance:

    • [ ] Conduct a thorough assessment of the blog's current performance metrics, including page load times, resource utilization, and user experience feedback.
    • [ ] Identify key areas of improvement and prioritize optimization efforts based on the analysis results and user impact.
  2. Lazy Loading Images:

    • [ ] Implement lazy loading functionality for images used across the blog pages, delaying the loading of off-screen images until they are about to come into view, to reduce initial page load times and save bandwidth.
    • [ ] Verify that lazy loading is compatible with the existing image components or libraries used in the frontend (e.g., Next.js components) and does not introduce any visual glitches or usability issues.
  3. Minification of CSS and JavaScript Files:

    • [ ] Minify CSS and JavaScript files used in the frontend of the blog, removing unnecessary whitespace, comments, and redundant code to reduce file sizes and improve download speeds.
    • [ ] Set up automated build processes or build scripts to automatically minify CSS and JavaScript files during the build or deployment phase, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the optimization process.
  4. Optimization of Server Response Times:

    • [ ] Identify and address performance bottlenecks in the backend API server (Rails JSON API), such as slow database queries, inefficient resource utilization, or network latency issues.
    • [ ] Implement caching mechanisms (e.g., fragment caching, HTTP caching) to cache frequently accessed data or responses at various levels of the server stack, reducing the time required to generate and serve dynamic content.
  5. Network and Resource Optimization:

    • [ ] Optimize network requests and resource loading by reducing the number of HTTP requests, combining multiple assets into a single bundle (e.g., CSS sprites), and leveraging browser caching mechanisms to store and reuse static assets.
    • [ ] Evaluate and optimize the usage of third-party scripts, plugins, or external dependencies used in the frontend, minimizing their impact on page load performance and ensuring they are loaded asynchronously when possible.
  6. Performance Monitoring and Testing:

    • [ ] Set up performance monitoring and testing tools to continuously track and analyze the blog's performance metrics, including page load times, resource utilization, and user interactions.
    • [ ] Conduct regular performance tests and benchmarks to measure the effectiveness of the optimization efforts and identify any regressions or areas for further improvement.
  7. Documentation and Knowledge Sharing:

    • [ ] Document the optimization techniques implemented and their impact on the blog's performance, including details of configuration settings, code changes, and performance metrics before and after optimization.
    • [ ] Share insights and best practices related to performance optimization with other team members or developers involved in the project, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the development team.

Additional Notes:

guide-bot[bot] commented 4 months ago

Thanks for opening this Issue! We need you to:

  1. Complete the activities.

    Action: Complete Conduct a thorough assessment of the blog's current performance metrics, including page load times, resource utilization, and user experience feedback. Action: Complete Identify key areas of improvement and prioritize optimization efforts based on the analysis results and user impact. Action: Complete Implement lazy loading functionality for images used across the blog pages, delaying the loading of off-screen images until they are about to come into view, to reduce initial page load times and save bandwidth. Action: Complete Verify that lazy loading is compatible with the existing image components or libraries used in the frontend (e.g., Next.js components) and does not introduce any visual glitches or usability issues. Action: Complete Minify CSS and JavaScript files used in the frontend of the blog, removing unnecessary whitespace, comments, and redundant code to reduce file sizes and improve download speeds. Action: Complete Set up automated build processes or build scripts to automatically minify CSS and JavaScript files during the build or deployment phase, ensuring consistency and efficiency in the optimization process. Action: Complete Identify and address performance bottlenecks in the backend API server (Rails JSON API), such as slow database queries, inefficient resource utilization, or network latency issues. Action: Complete Implement caching mechanisms (e.g., fragment caching, HTTP caching) to cache frequently accessed data or responses at various levels of the server stack, reducing the time required to generate and serve dynamic content. Action: Complete Optimize network requests and resource loading by reducing the number of HTTP requests, combining multiple assets into a single bundle (e.g., CSS sprites), and leveraging browser caching mechanisms to store and reuse static assets. Action: Complete Evaluate and optimize the usage of third-party scripts, plugins, or external dependencies used in the frontend, minimizing their impact on page load performance and ensuring they are loaded asynchronously when possible. Action: Complete Set up performance monitoring and testing tools to continuously track and analyze the blog's performance metrics, including page load times, resource utilization, and user interactions. Action: Complete Conduct regular performance tests and benchmarks to measure the effectiveness of the optimization efforts and identify any regressions or areas for further improvement. Action: Complete Document the optimization techniques implemented and their impact on the blog's performance, including details of configuration settings, code changes, and performance metrics before and after optimization. Action: Complete Share insights and best practices related to performance optimization with other team members or developers involved in the project, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange within the development team.

    If an activity is not applicable, use '\~activity description\~' to mark it not applicable.