mean-expert-official / loopback-sdk-builder

Tool for auto-generating Software Development Kits (SDKs) for LoopBack
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ngrx docs #536

Open jmls opened 6 years ago

jmls commented 6 years ago

What version of this module are you using?

Please add a description for your issue:

Installed the latest version, eager to use the cool ngrx features ... but can't find any docs ... am I going blind ?


jmls commented 6 years ago

so, I tried

./node_modules/.bin/lb-sdk server/server src/app/sdk -n enabled


./node_modules/.bin/lb-sdk server/server src/app/sdk -n orm

but both give an error

            throw err;

TypeError: ejs:33
    31|   public <%- normalizeMethodName(methodName) %>$ = this.actions$
    32|     .ofType(<%- modelName %>ActionTypes.<%- upperCasedMethodName(methodName) %>).pipe(
 >> 33|       mergeMap((action: LoopbackAction) =>
    34|         this.<%- modelName.toLowerCase() %>.<%- normalizeMethodName(methodName) %>(<%- buildMethodParamsFromPayload(model, methodName, action.accepts) %>).pipe(
    35|       <% if (methodName.match(/(^__delete)/)) { -%>
    36|     map((response: any) => new <%- modelName %>Actions.<%- normalizeMethodName(methodName) %>Success(action.payload, action.meta)),

Cannot read property 'targetClass' of undefined
at eval (eval at exports.compile (/home/jmls/development/rtb-dashboard/node_modules/@mean-expert/loopback-sdk-builder/node_modules/ejs/lib/ejs.js:242:14), <anonymous>:40:625)
jmls commented 6 years ago

anyone ? :)

jonathan-casarrubias commented 6 years ago

@jmls .... I think in the following days we will see some docs from @JonnyBGod.. He is quite busy with an upcoming conf, but he will be sending those docs soon.

Cheers Jon

jmls commented 6 years ago

any luck on the docs or the above error ?

jmls commented 6 years ago

my usual weekly bump ;) hoping to understand why I'm getting the error when trying to generate code ...

jonathan-casarrubias commented 6 years ago

@jmls I would like to help more on this but I don't have idea how to use this neither... Lol,

But, the unit tests are working, have you tried to run the test environment and see how @JonnyBGod wired the tests you might understand how it is working

jmls commented 6 years ago

yeah - I understand - but right now my problem is that I can't even get the code to generate, let alone play with and test ;) I'll cross fingers and hope that @JonnyBGod gets sufficiently annoyed by the number of pings and comes to see what all the fuss is about :+1:

zbarbuto commented 6 years ago

FTR I found out today that the error in the OP occurs if your relation names have underscores in them.

The generator performs .split('_').pop() to get the action name which means relations with underscores cause errors.

jmls commented 6 years ago

@zbarbuto thanks for the heads-up . @JonnyBGod , any chance you could have a look at this and the docs ?

jmls commented 6 years ago

except for the fact I have no relations with _ in the name ... dammit ...

JonnyBGod commented 6 years ago

@jmls Can you provide a repo or send me your project to check out what might be causing the problem?

@zbarbuto Thanks for reporting. I will investigate a better way to do it to enable underscores for relation names.

JonnyBGod commented 6 years ago

@zbarbuto you should be able to use underscores in your relation names after is released.

Just make sure you do not use double underscore.

davkime commented 6 years ago

@JonnyBGod is there any plan to allow double underscore methods?

The only reason I ask is because the separators for methods accessing related models is double underscore.

Version 2: Version 3:

jmls commented 5 years ago

dammit, I guess this was never fixed ? Hit it again, wanting to play with ngrx :)

jmls commented 5 years ago

I've found the base problem - it's when you have a scope then you get this error.

I've fixed it by adding

var targetName = model.sharedClass.ctor.relations['__').pop()] || {} under methodName = (line 20 of shared/effects/model.ejs) and replacing all other instances of

model.sharedClass.ctor.relations['__').pop()] with targetName