mean-expert-official / loopback-sdk-builder

Tool for auto-generating Software Development Kits (SDKs) for LoopBack
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Are there plans to support Loopback 4? #628

Open ShlomoRosenheimer opened 5 years ago

ShlomoRosenheimer commented 5 years ago

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Are there any plans to support Loopback 4?

dmastag commented 5 years ago

Does not seem so, but on the bright side Loopback 4 is supposed to support OpenAPI so you could generate the sdk using OpenAPI Tools

jgwinner commented 5 years ago

Does that mean loopback-sdk-builder is sunsetted? Seems like a shame.

(might take a while, Loopback4 looks good but still has some work to do, to be production; specifically authentication and authorization on the roadmap, as near as I can tell.)

== John ==

isrmicha commented 5 years ago

it would be a dream, i hope loopback creates a build in sdk builder

jgwinner commented 5 years ago

It's really essential. However, as Mean-expert-official seems to be somewhat sunsetted itself, not sure if anyone here will.

I had some massive problems getting the original SDK to work; it never generated any of the loopback models for get/set, just patch and other weird verbs. Maybe that's what it's supposed to do? Very few samples for connecting with Angular or any client side. So I massively edited the SDK builder to do something simple. Probably messed it up, but it's working for us. The code isn't pretty though.

I wouldn't mind creating a supported version of it, at some point, but we won't have time for another month or two.

    == John ==
joschne commented 4 years ago

Thank you @dmastag for that wonderful hint!

I managed to set up something very simple based on OpenApiTools since it now supports typescript angular.

I created a sample project to illustrate my idea. Read the Readme for more details.

I think this could do the same job for loopback 4 as @mean-expert-official/loopback-sdk-builder did for loopback 3.

What do you think?

joschne commented 4 years ago

Another example based on looback 4 todo-list

jbratu commented 3 years ago

Look at Loopback 4 documentation Building an Angular Application from OpenAPI Specification which shows how to generate an OpenAPI spec JSON file and then generate models for the Angular application.