Everything works fine, I get the logs properly for files getting generated, but when I look, the files don't exist.
Is because of user permissions to save file? Or is it something else I don't understand. I need help to debug this issue inside the code. I can't figure where in the code the generator generates the files, so that I can go look why there are no errors, but still the files don't appear.
The target directory isn't empty because I already generated files lb-sdk, but something weird has happened now.
Here are the logs:
WARNING: The targeted SDK Directory is not empty, do you want to erase its content? (Y/n)
Loading Framework angular2
Generating "sdk" for the API endpoint "/api"
Warning: scope UserModel.accessTokens targets class "AccessToken", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Warning: scope UserModel.roles targets class "Role", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Warning: scope UserModel.teamModels targets class "TeamModel", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Warning: scope StoreConfigModel.productModels targets class "ProductModel", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Warning: scope StoreConfigModel.syncModels targets class "SyncModel", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Warning: scope StoreConfigModel.inventoryModels targets class "InventoryModel", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Warning: scope StockOrderLineitemModel.productModel targets class "ProductModel", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Warning: scope SupplierModel.productModels targets class "ProductModel", which is not exposed
via remoting. The Angular code for this scope won't be generated.
Removing base directory /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk
DRIVER: ng2web
LoopBack SDK Builder: adding UserModel model to SDK
LoopBack SDK Builder: adding GlobalConfigModel model to SDK
LoopBack SDK Builder: adding StoreConfigModel model to SDK
LoopBack SDK Builder: adding StoreModel model to SDK
LoopBack SDK Builder: adding ReportModel model to SDK
LoopBack SDK Builder: adding StockOrderLineitemModel model to SDK
LoopBack SDK Builder: adding SupplierModel model to SDK
LoopBack SDK Builder: adding Container model to SDK
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/index.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/index.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/index.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/index.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/core/index.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/SDKModels.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/lb.config.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/BaseModels.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/core/auth.service.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/core/base.service.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/core/error.service.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/logger.service.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/storage/storage.swaps.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/storage/cookie.browser.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/storage/storage.browser.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/UserModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/UserModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/GlobalConfigModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/GlobalConfigModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/StoreConfigModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/StoreConfigModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/StoreModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/StoreModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/ReportModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/ReportModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/StockOrderLineitemModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/StockOrderLineitemModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/SupplierModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/SupplierModel.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/models/Container.ts
Generating: /apps/warehouse/admin/src/app/shared/lb-sdk/services/custom/Container.ts
npm info lifecycle shoppinpal-warehouse-mongo@1.5.6~postangular2-sdk: shoppinpal-warehouse-mongo@1.5.6
npm info ok
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What version of this module are you using?
Write other if any:
Please add a description for your issue:
Everything works fine, I get the logs properly for files getting generated, but when I look, the files don't exist. Is because of user permissions to save file? Or is it something else I don't understand. I need help to debug this issue inside the code. I can't figure where in the code the generator generates the files, so that I can go look why there are no errors, but still the files don't appear.
The target directory isn't empty because I already generated files lb-sdk, but something weird has happened now.
Here are the logs: