mean-expert-official / loopback-sdk-builder

Tool for auto-generating Software Development Kits (SDKs) for LoopBack
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VueJS #640

Open jgwinner opened 5 years ago

jgwinner commented 5 years ago

What type of issue are you creating?

What version of this module are you using?

Write other if any:

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VueJS seems to be broken, unless you intended the to be without an oxford comma:

[f:\OurApp]./node_modules/.bin/lb-sdk server\server.js -l "vuejs" sdk/VueJS

Swagger: skipping unknown type "Binary".
Loading Framework vuejs
Generating "sdk" for the API endpoint "/api"

TypeError: generator[context.framework] is not a function
    at runGenerator (f:\OurApp\node_modules\@mean-expert\loopback-sdk-builder\bin\lb-sdk:167:31)
    at Function.verifyPath (f:\OurApp\node_modules\@mean-expert\loopback-sdk-builder\bin\lb-sdk:118:5)
    at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:273:13)
    at Function.emit (events.js:182:13)
    at f:\OurApp\node_modules\loopback-boot\lib\executor.js:63:9
    at f:\OurApp\node_modules\loopback-boot\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:251:17
    at f:\OurApp\node_modules\loopback-boot\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:154:25
    at f:\OurApp\node_modules\loopback-boot\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:248:21
    at f:\OurApp\node_modules\loopback-boot\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:612:34
    at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61:11)
    at Function.Module.runMain (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:745:11)
    at startup (internal/bootstrap/node.js:266:19)
    at bootstrapNodeJSCore (internal/bootstrap/node.js:596:3)

It is mentioned in the arg list:

******************************************* LoopBack SDK Builder 2.0 *******************************************

Generate Client SDK for your LoopBack Application.
 ./node_modules/.bin/lb-sdk server/server app/shared/sdk -d [ng2web | ng2native | ng2universal] -i [enabled | disabled] -v [enabled | strict | disabled]

  -l, --library         Client's library (angular, react, vuejs <todo> ...)                     [default: "angular2"]
  -d, --driver          Platform specific drivers (ng2web, ng2native, ng2universal, react-web)  [default: "ng2web"]
  -i, --io              Enable PubSub, IO and FireLoop functionality                            [default: "enabled"]
  -n, --ngrx            Enable NGRX functionality (enabled | orm) EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE
  -w, --wipe            Automatically wipe SDK Directory                                        [default: "disabled"]
  -v, --default-values  Add default values in models                                            [default: "disabled"]
  -f, --fireloop-only   Generate only FireLoop SDK + Auth Services                              [default: "disabled"]
  -q, --quiet           quiet mode - no console output (forces -w)                              [default: false]
  -t, --typescript      Enable Typescript default true ( React Only )                           [default: true]

Not enough non-option arguments: got 0, need at least 1