meanbee / royalmail

A Magento shipping extension to add Royal Mail shipping methods.
Open Software License 3.0
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International signed / tracked & signed available to invalid destinations #71

Open joolswills opened 8 years ago

joolswills commented 8 years ago

According to

International Signed is not valid for the USA and New Zealand and much of Europe

Europe is an easy fix as it just requires removal of some CSV lines. The other ones will need additional rules I guess as they are grouped with other countries that International Signed is valid for

joolswills commented 8 years ago

There may be some other cases of this too.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

To correctly cover the various exclusions for what is allowed for what country, the current CSV world zone grouping will not suffice - the old code mapped country code to available methods, which was more flexible. To do it via CSV, an additional CSV will be needed or countries will need to be mapped to shipping methods, rather than having shipping methods mapped to world zones.

joolswills commented 8 years ago

Correction on first post - International Signed is valid for a few "Europe Zone" destinations like Ukraine. But it will require specific exclusions as mentioned. I have edited it to "most of Europe"

RidRack commented 8 years ago

Hi Joolswills,

It's a difficult issue. We based the CSVs off of and the world zones that Royalmail have chosen, using only the 4 world zones that they have in that document. (Uk, Europe, and World Zone 1 and 2). If we opt to assign countries to methods it will require more constant updates, which was one of the original reasons we opted for our current system. Royal Mail have a habit of changing which countries fall into which categories and zones, the names of those methods and their prices.

We'd like to keep using CSV's as they allow for the library to be easily updatable and cross platform (m1 and m2). I'll discuss with the other developer on this extension what the best action is.