meandavejustice / min-vid

Popout video player in Firefox
Mozilla Public License 2.0
182 stars 42 forks source link

Clicking the "Play" button and the progress bar while the video is playing generate pings with similar event and method strings #1252

Open SoftVision-CarmenFat opened 6 years ago

SoftVision-CarmenFat commented 6 years ago

[Affected versions]:

[Affected Platforms]:


[Steps to reproduce]:

  1. Open the browser with the profiles from prerequisites and navigate to YouTube.
  2. Send a video to the player.
  3. Click the progress bar.
  4. Go to "about:telemetry" and observe the event and method of the generated ping.
  5. Click the "Pause" and then the "Play" button.
  6. Go to "about:telemetry" and observe the event and method of the ping generated by the "Play" action.

[Expected result]: 4&6. The strings for both events and methods should be different so that this doesn't lead to erroneous metrics results.

[Actual result]:

  1. "player_view" event and "play" method are displayed.
  2. "player_view" event and "play" method are displayed.


same pings