meandavejustice / min-vid

Popout video player in Firefox
Mozilla Public License 2.0
182 stars 42 forks source link

Alternatives List #1290

Open maverick74 opened 6 years ago

maverick74 commented 6 years ago

After disabling the addon, please publish a list of alternatives!

(e.g. )

meandavejustice commented 6 years ago

@maverick74 Thanks for sharing!

ExE-Boss commented 6 years ago

Or someone could fork it, convert it entirely to a WebExtension and publish it to AMO, à la Tab Center Redux.

Of course, the fork would also reqire merging of #1277 and #1278 to avoid code duplication and prevent websites from removing MinVid’s <style> element.

hambue commented 6 years ago

I use VLC in the command line to play youtube videos always on top:

If you use the first option, you'll probably have to adjust those x and y values to your setup.