meandavejustice / min-vid

Popout video player in Firefox
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Performance Testing #1313

Open Standard8 opened 6 years ago

Standard8 commented 6 years ago

The basic summary of what to do is:

Once the results come in, they'll appear on the comparison page, and you'll want to look for any red or yellow changes.

For building into mozilla-central. The easiest way is to copy what happens in one of the browser/extensions/ folders of the system add-ons - probably the screenshots one.

If you need more help or have questions, feel free to ping me.

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

I can take this. I did all this stuff for Screenshots.

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

Base commit with Talos jobs:

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

Talos run with min-vid shield study branch + file, no performance optimizations:

Comparison between this and the base:

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

Here's a Talos run with the sessionstore-windows-restored delay added:

Comparison between this and the base:

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

Oh no! I applied these patches on top of mozilla-central, but min-vid doesn't work in Nightly.

I'll have to figure out which commit / branch is the correct base for current release channel, then re-run the Talos tests there :-\

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

Re-running Talos tests on top of the FIREFOX_59_0_RELEASE tag. mach couldn't find artifacts for a commit this old, so I'm modifying the try incantation to remove the --artifact argument:

try: -b o -p linux64,linux64-pgo,macosx64,win32,win32-pgo,win64,win64-pgo -u none -t all --rebuild 6

Base commit: Min-Vid without startup delay: Min-Vid with startup delay:

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

Hmm. Adding a startup delay does not seem to resolve the Talos perf issues:

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

Splitting the problem space to try to understand the source of the regressions:

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

It seems like this might not get out before 60 goes to release on 5/9, so here's the same set of patches as Try runs against the release 60 base commit:

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

Still seeing the huge tp5o regressions with content scripts totally disabled in 59 (content_scripts section removed from the manifest):

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

OK, starting to narrow down a little.

Something either in the StudyUtils.jsm code, or in our use of that code, seems to be causing a lot of the performance problems.

Here's a screenshot of the tp5o regressions on Firefox 59 + minvid + startup delay (results page):


If the code that loads and uses StudyUtils.jsm is removed, there are fewer reds, but still a lot of oranges ([results page]()):


More detail below, for later reference.

Today, I kicked off Talos runs testing three different changes on both minvid+59 and minvid+60:

  1. effectively disable the whole addon: make startup() and shutdown() do nothing inside bootstrap.js
  2. disable most of the webextension code: remove the background and content_scripts entries from the webextension manifest (so that no code is loaded into the background page & no URL filtering happens)
  3. just remove StudyUtils-related code (partly because I have no idea what this code does; it's minified)

Here are the corresponding Try runs:


Talos run against just 59, no minvid:

  1. startup/shutdown no-op:
  2. webextension no-op:
  3. StudyUtils removed:


Talos run against just 60, no minvid:

  1. startup/shutdown no-op:
  2. webextension no-op:
  3. StudyUtils removed:
jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

Here's a new run, with StudyUtils removed and where the embedded webextension is never started:

on 59:

on 60:

jaredhirsch commented 6 years ago

The last run against 60 produced some inexplicable performance improvements, so I'm re-running everything now: