meanjs / generator-meanjs

MEAN.JS Official Yeoman Generator
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crud-module generator issues #203

Closed vinayakvinay closed 8 years ago

vinayakvinay commented 8 years ago

Hello Cody,

I have the latest version of node installed in my machine (5.x of node, 3.x of npm). After facing lot of issues with the latest node version I downgraded to 0.12.x of Node and 2.x of npm.

My mean-generator version is 0.4.3. I can't use both crud and vertical module generators.

I using older version of Node and NPM where my other packages require newer version of node and npm.

Please suggest me which of the node and npm version works fine (higher than 0.12.x) to use all the features of generator-meanjs.

rof20004 commented 8 years ago

You need to wait the pull with corrections->

About vertical module generators, did you tried: yo meanjs:mean-module ?

angular-module not exists anymore and mean-module create all the struct client and server.

vinayakvinay commented 8 years ago

yo meanjs:mean-module - only creates the folder structures. How to use CRUD module/Vertical module?

When I tried crud module generator I got the following error message:

Error meanjs:crud-module xmen

You don't seem to have a generator with the name meanjs:crud-module installed. You can see available generators with npm search yeoman-generator and then install them with npm install [name]. To see the 14 registered generators run yo with the --help option.

rof20004 commented 8 years ago

I said to you, #201

Wait for merge and then update your generator with npm.

vinayakvinay commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the note. Can I work with latest version of Node or should I stay with older 0.12.x version?

rof20004 commented 8 years ago

Yeah, you can update.

vinayakvinay commented 8 years ago

I just want to utilize all the feature of meanjs generator such as CRUD modules and Angular sub generators. Please let me the system requirements. I prefer to use latest version but I can't work with mean generators with latest node releases.

Node - 5.x latest stable Npm - 3.x latest generator-meanjs - ?? (Please suggest me the latest working version of generator)

rof20004 commented 8 years ago

$ npm install -g generator-meanjs@latest

With this command (@latest) you always get the last version of any package.

vinayakvinay commented 8 years ago

What about the Node version?

vinayakvinay commented 8 years ago

What is the latest working version of Node with meanjs generator?

rof20004 commented 8 years ago

I do not know, my packages are updated, then I always use the latest version, if you want to update node, you can do with npm install -g n, after in terminal use n stable, then link the newer version to your node executable path.

codydaig commented 8 years ago

The generator should work with Node v5, however, the latest version that I've personally tested it with is v4. The PR has been merged for the crud-module, but it's in the queue to be published, so it's not available on NPM yet. You can follow #204 for the status of the publish.

vinayakvinay commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the note @codydaig