meanjs / generator-meanjs

MEAN.JS Official Yeoman Generator
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[Snyk] Fix for 1 vulnerabilities #313

Open lirantal opened 7 months ago

lirantal commented 7 months ago

This PR was automatically created by Snyk using the credentials of a real user.

Snyk has created this PR to fix one or more vulnerable packages in the `npm` dependencies of this project.

#### Changes included in this PR - Changes to the following files to upgrade the vulnerable dependencies to a fixed version: - package.json #### Vulnerabilities that will be fixed ##### With an upgrade: Severity | Priority Score (*) | Issue | Breaking Change | Exploit Maturity :-------------------------:|-------------------------|:-------------------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------- ![high severity](,h_20/v1561977819/icon/h.png "high severity") | **661/1000**
**Why?** Recently disclosed, Has a fix available, CVSS 7.5 | Missing Release of Resource after Effective Lifetime
[SNYK-JS-INFLIGHT-6095116]( | Yes | No Known Exploit (*) Note that the real score may have changed since the PR was raised.
Commit messages
Package name: rimraf The new version differs by 71 commits.
  • 3b6b098 4.0.0
  • e0cffea ci: reduce workload even more
  • 0e6646d ci: remove unnecessary lint filter
  • 546e017 update action versions
  • 6d88a65 tone down benchmark intensity
  • 842a8d2 fix benchmark workflow yaml
  • 1b91697 chore: add copyright year to license
  • 08bbb06 rewrite in TS, export hybrid, update changelog, docs
  • 1b3f46e drop support for node versions below 14
  • 2e1f003 gh actions workflow for benchmarks
  • 52f9370 tests for retry-busy behavior
  • 188e3ed don't test on very old node versions
  • d1d5495 test for fix-eperm
  • e7501cd prettier formatting
  • 40f64ec windows: only fall back to move-remove when absolutely necessary
  • b6f7819 update tap
  • 99496cd test: run posix test on windows, why not?
  • 51d43c1 benchmarks
  • 6b8aa29 doc: correct os.tmp default
  • 4b228c9 do not ever actually try to rmdir /
  • 2442655 consolidate all the spellings of 'opt' into one
  • d4eec2e add cli script
  • 0c82d74 accept strings, arrays of strings, and no other types
  • ad4f2db Do not rimraf /, override with preserveRoot:false
See the full diff
Package name: yeoman-generator The new version differs by 250 commits.
  • aad5fac 5.0.0
  • 4f4a802 Add transform to expected priority.
  • 57d240c Remove only from test.
  • 812751f Lint fix
  • 33d050f Implement getFeatures for singleton support.
  • 99ac2c5 Add transform priority.
  • 5136342 Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from v3.8.0 to v3.8.2 (#1278)
  • fa408bd Bump actions/stale from v3.0.15 to v3.0.16 (#1275)
  • d7103f3 Drop reference from yeoman-test repository
  • b36f294 Bump yeoman-environment to 3.0.0-rc.1
  • ee0d1ad Hide shared options and drop support for kebab case options.
  • 310f72d Fix spawn destinationRoot.
  • 8f4afe9 Switch composeWith to use environment.
  • e9d0a15 Remove support for chainning at composeWith.
  • c2245e1 Switch from node 10 to 12 at Travis.
  • 5be7b07 5.0.0-rc.0
  • 8a448b4 Bump yeoman-environment to 3.0.0-rc.0
  • 6d6c4b0 Changes to queueTransformStream
  • 632d60d Add option to skip parsing options.
  • 7050e53 Pass destinationRoot to spawn-command by default.
  • 097cd20 Implement package-json mixin.
  • 52c90a2 Add merge support to Storage.
  • f4336d9 5.0.0-beta.1
  • 1952724 Change version to 5.0.0-beta.0
See the full diff
Package name: yo The new version differs by 109 commits.
  • 0ec0280 4.0.0
  • 263a96a Change yeoman-environment dep to auto update minor versions only.
  • ea5e36b 4.0.0-beta.0
  • 69e7b59 Fix test without color.
  • 66f2684 Update .gitignore
  • d8049ec Bump yeoman-environment to 3.1.0
  • 741fbbd Fix test on windows.
  • e71dbf0 Fix getGeneratorsMeta return mocking.
  • acda684 Disable completion test for windows
  • e48bec8 Drop node 8 and 10 from travis.
  • 9d27f8a Bump xo to 0.38.1.
  • 62b5be2 Bump minimum require node to 12.10.0
  • e2b19a9 Run npm audit fix
  • 9d3e098 Bump nyc to 15.1.0
  • 46ff668 Bump mocha to 8.3.0
  • 1e7ea75 Set FORCE_COLOR environment variable.
  • b1e2947 Add npm test workflow.
  • 2598967 Convert router to Promises/async.
  • 5d533d7 Switch from listening to error event to catch rejected promise
  • ec362f3 Lookup is a sync method at environment 2.x and 3.x.
  • fd92eb8 Bump yeoman-environment to 3.0.0
  • 540bd4c Recreate package-lock using npm 7.
  • a0e8c51 Create FUNDING.yml
  • d824db9 3.1.1
See the full diff
Check the changes in this PR to ensure they won't cause issues with your project. ------------ **Note:** *You are seeing this because you or someone else with access to this repository has authorized Snyk to open fix PRs.* For more information: 🧐 [View latest project report]( 🛠 [Adjust project settings]( 📚 [Read more about Snyk's upgrade and patch logic]( [//]: # (snyk:metadata:{"prId":"fe3db19d-9171-4750-8060-15bf412bb6f3","prPublicId":"fe3db19d-9171-4750-8060-15bf412bb6f3","dependencies":[{"name":"rimraf","from":"2.5.4","to":"4.0.0"},{"name":"yeoman-generator","from":"0.21.2","to":"5.0.0"},{"name":"yo","from":"1.5.1","to":"4.0.0"}],"packageManager":"npm","projectPublicId":"918a96e5-f1bd-4b90-b3fc-f98c47cb67d6","projectUrl":"","type":"auto","patch":[],"vulns":["SNYK-JS-INFLIGHT-6095116"],"upgrade":["SNYK-JS-INFLIGHT-6095116"],"isBreakingChange":true,"env":"prod","prType":"fix","templateVariants":["priorityScore"],"priorityScoreList":[661],"remediationStrategy":"vuln"}) --- **Learn how to fix vulnerabilities with free interactive lessons:** 🦉 [Learn about vulnerability in an interactive lesson of Snyk Learn.](