am trying to implement mutiuser functionality using composer
i have a in house OPENID connect Identity Access Managent server to which i would be like to connect to .
but unfortunately none of the published passport strategies for openid connect works.
following are the composer configurations for both the available passport openid implementation
Hi All,
am trying to implement mutiuser functionality using composer i have a in house OPENID connect Identity Access Managent server to which i would be like to connect to . but unfortunately none of the published passport strategies for openid connect works.
following are the composer configurations for both the available passport openid implementation
export COMPOSER_PROVIDERS='{ "oauthTest2": { "provider": "oauthTest2", "module": "passport-openid", "clientID": "@!8E74.EABA.A3C8.2CA9!0001!A9D3.B4DF!0008!C89C.4865.50BC.17B3", "clientSecret": "<>", "issuer": "https://<>, "authorization_endpoint": "https://<>/oxauth/restv1/authorize", "token_endpoint" : "https://<>oxauth/restv1/token", "userinfo_endpoint" : "https://<>/oxauth/restv1/userinfo", "jwks_uri" : "https://<>oxauth/restv1/jwks", "redirect_uri": "https://<>:3000/auth/oauthTest2/callback", "scope": "openid email" } }'
export COMPOSER_PROVIDERS='{ "oauthTest2": { "provider": "oauthTest2", "module": "passport-openid", "client_id": "@!8E74.EABA.A3C8.2CA9!0001!A9D3.B4DF!0008!C89C.4865.50BC.17B3", "client_secret": "<>", "issuer": "https://<>", "authorizationURL": "https://<>oxauth/restv1/authorize", "tokenURL" : "https://<>/oxauth/restv1/token", "userinfoURL" : "https://<>oxauth/restv1/userinfo", "returnURL": "https://<>:3000/auth/oauthTest2/callback", "realm": "https://<>3000/", "scope": "openid email" } }'
Kindly Help in resolving the above issue so that implementing the real usecase of multi user trying to access the BC becomes a reality for me.