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hyperledger composer not working with passport openid-connect or passport-openid #1945

Open praspadm opened 6 years ago

praspadm commented 6 years ago

Hi All,

am trying to implement mutiuser functionality using composer i have a in house OPENID connect Identity Access Managent server to which i would be like to connect to . but unfortunately none of the published passport strategies for openid connect works.

following are the composer configurations for both the available passport openid implementation


export COMPOSER_PROVIDERS='{ "oauthTest2": { "provider": "oauthTest2", "module": "passport-openid", "clientID": "@!8E74.EABA.A3C8.2CA9!0001!A9D3.B4DF!0008!C89C.4865.50BC.17B3", "clientSecret": "<>", "issuer": "https://<>, "authorization_endpoint": "https://<>/oxauth/restv1/authorize", "token_endpoint" : "https://<>oxauth/restv1/token", "userinfo_endpoint" : "https://<>/oxauth/restv1/userinfo", "jwks_uri" : "https://<>oxauth/restv1/jwks", "redirect_uri": "https://<>:3000/auth/oauthTest2/callback", "scope": "openid email" } }'


export COMPOSER_PROVIDERS='{ "oauthTest2": { "provider": "oauthTest2", "module": "passport-openid", "client_id": "@!8E74.EABA.A3C8.2CA9!0001!A9D3.B4DF!0008!C89C.4865.50BC.17B3", "client_secret": "<>", "issuer": "https://<>", "authorizationURL": "https://<>oxauth/restv1/authorize", "tokenURL" : "https://<>/oxauth/restv1/token", "userinfoURL" : "https://<>oxauth/restv1/userinfo", "returnURL": "https://<>:3000/auth/oauthTest2/callback", "realm": "https://<>3000/", "scope": "openid email" } }'

Kindly Help in resolving the above issue so that implementing the real usecase of multi user trying to access the BC becomes a reality for me.