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MQTT filter deletes wrong filter #145

Open JabeBRD opened 1 week ago

JabeBRD commented 1 week ago

I have issue with my two WiCan OBD

Firmware ver: | v2.98
Hardware ver: | v3.00_obd

If i have entered multiple MQTT JSON filters, when I want to delete one filter, it might delete right one or it might delete some other, usualy it seems to delete lowest one. Example. If i have 3 filters, and i want to delete 2, 3 gets deleted. Would it be possible feature to edit filters, instead of delete and rewrite??

harkoprinssen commented 1 week ago

Had this happen too, even filters I deleted before coming back

JabeBRD commented 1 week ago

kuva_2024-06-22_220149513 I wanted to delete odo1, Battery_SoC got deleted

meatpiHQ commented 1 week ago

@JabeBRD sounds like a bug in the HTML, but I'm unable to reproduce. Did you store the filters? what happens if you refresh the page?

JabeBRD commented 1 week ago

Yes I store before submit changes. Sometimes if i refresh, new filters disappear but are still working, those will be visible if i reboot under About, using submit changes wont make differense . Im using Opera, same thing using Opera on Windows or Android. I think this happens, when multiple new filters are added.

harkoprinssen commented 1 week ago

I can confirm I see similar behaviour

meatpiHQ commented 1 week ago

I tested with Opera and I did not find this issue. Can you give me steps to reproduce? or is it just random ?

If you do not press store and refresh the page the filter will disappear, that's normal.

JabeBRD commented 1 week ago

Its not random. e-up wican asetukset Here i had these filters set up, i wanted to delete soc_raw, Battery_SoC got deleted, now soc_raw is first, press delete and it got deleted. Now i rewrite Battery_SoC, add it and store, refresh page. Now it is last in list, had typo and press delete, odo1 got deleted, tried again, raw_soc got deleted, tried again, odo2 got deleted, now only Battery_SoC is left and it can be deleted. I press Delete then Store then Submit changes and now refresh page.