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Reading out SoC of Hyundai Ioniq 2017 28KWh #150

Open eterpstra opened 3 weeks ago

eterpstra commented 3 weeks ago


I want to read out the SoC of my Ioniq 28 KWh.

But i dont understand how to start. Where do i fill in the details and connect this to my home-assistant setup?

So for exampke what is the CAN ID (dc) PID, INDEX Start Bit, Bit Lenght, Ex[ression and Cycle ms.

meatpiHQ commented 3 weeks ago

@eterpstra first I suggest you try and use carscanner to read the data.

What you need to do is setup home assistant to send an mqtt message to WiCAN to request the SoC and setup a filter in WiCAN to calculate the SoC. You should read the link below, you can ask me if you think there's anything not clear.