meatpiHQ / wican-fw

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PID new AUTOMATE tab setup info in fw 3.11 #163

Open amicomit opened 1 month ago

amicomit commented 1 month ago

Request for setup assistance regarding the new, as yet undocumented tab on fw 3.11,set WiCAN to request and publish the the PID automatically:

meatpiHQ commented 1 month ago

@amicomit Have you used the filters with the TX and RX frame before ? If you have those for your car it will make things easier.

Please use car scanner to connect to your vehicle, and post the logs from the car scanner app here, so we can find the proper initialisation.

amicomit commented 1 month ago

Hi yes, I'm having excellent results using the Wican filters, and actually, if it supported two byte PIDs and the filter Delete glitch was fixed, I wouldn't be having any problems at all, it works really well. Below is a sample RX and TX for Tyre Pressure 1 - here the PID hex is 2076 which is 8310 dec, and represented by bytes 2 and 3 (32,118) in the TX and RX - but I can only use byte 3 with index 3 in the Wican filter (bottom). This works OK, but in the end I'm likely to run into a duplicate number for the PID

Tyre Pressure 1 {"bus":"0","type":"tx","ts":12173,"frame":[{"id":1873,"dlc":8,"rtr":false,"extd":false,"data":[3,34,32,118,170,170,170,170]}]} {"bus":"0","type":"rx","ts":42765,"frame":[{"id":1881,"dlc":8,"rtr":false,"extd":false,"data":[5,98,32,118,0,196,0,0]}]}


meatpiHQ commented 1 month ago

Here's what I think it should look like, please delete the filter. And set the protocol to "Auto pid"


PID: 222076 Initialisation: ATSH751; Expression: (B50.01373)14.5038

amicomit commented 1 month ago

Hi, this has now been tried with no result. I deleted all the existing filters and rebooted before testing, and remembered to change the protocol, but no joy. Out of interest, why is there the Initialisation field and also the Init field ?. Would it be possible to make the change to the existing filter feature in the meantime to allow for the two byte PID ? Many thanks for your ongoing support.

meatpiHQ commented 1 month ago

Can you please post a screenshot of the autopid page?

Ignore the init field for now, it doesn't do anything.

amicomit commented 1 month ago


meatpiHQ commented 1 month ago

You don't see any mqtt messages coming in at topic: any_topic?

amicomit commented 1 month ago

Actually, yes there is: topic1

meatpiHQ commented 1 month ago

Is this the correct value? If not what is it?

amicomit commented 1 month ago

Yes, the value is correct, 37.8 psi

l2smith2 commented 1 month ago

i'm also trying to understand how this works for a byd atto3, I can see the info I want in car scanner but no idea how to filter it with wican

meatpiHQ commented 1 month ago

@l2smith2 Please open a new issue so we don't highjack this one.

you can record the info you're seeing using carscanner. Once you do, share that file and I can help you set it up.