meatpiHQ / wican-fw

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Kia Soul EV 2016 - AutoPID - MQTT "timeout, pid: 01A61" #212

Open jornodberg opened 12 hours ago

jornodberg commented 12 hours ago

After giving up the last time I tried getting data from my car into Home Assistant (a couple of months ago), I now tried the newest firmware, and also uploaded the newest Vehicle Profiles.

Via MQTT Explorer i look at the Destination Topic, and it only recieves frames like: {"error": "Timeout, pid: 010C1"} {"error": "Timeout, pid: 012F1"} {"error": "Timeout, pid: 01A61"}

Wican-settings: AP+Station CAN Bitrate: 500K CAN Mode: Normal Protocol: AutoPID TX Topic: wican/KiaSoul/can/tx RX Topic: wican/KiaSoul/can/rx Status Topic: wican/KiaSoul/can/status MQTT elm327 log: Disable

Vehicle Specific: Enable Vehicle Model: AAA: Generic Home Assistant Discovery: Enable Grouping: Disable Destination Topic: KiaSoul Cycle Time(ms): 10000

I get a continous stream of data/frames to the topic wican/KiaSoul/can/rx

In the topic KiaSoul, i only get data on KiaSoul/error , with many different PIDs.

What am I missing?

meatpiHQ commented 12 hours ago

@jornodberg this might sound silly, but is the car on? :)

jornodberg commented 12 hours ago

@meatpiHQ : Not silly at all - I've read many of the issues here. ;-)

The car is on.

I found that choosing Vehicle Model: Hyundai: Ioniq2017 gave me SOC_DISPLAY in HomeAssistant, and the value seems correct. The other Ioniq-profile didn't give anything.

But that vehicle profile only contains SOC. I would love to also get Odometer, and preferably also some Temp-sensors.

But since that profile was working, maybe you would be able to help me get at least Odometer also?

Received my Wican in february 2023, and have never been able to get anything (correct) into HomeAssistant. And, yeah, I do realise that's because of my lack of knowledge... ;-) So this is progress!

jornodberg commented 12 hours ago

And also there seems to be some bug with getting the SOC-values. About every other value is empty. Here are the history from MQTT Explorer (in reverse) :

09/24/2024 3:26:45 PM(-10.01 seconds) {"SOC_DISPLAY":97.5} 09/24/2024 3:26:35 PM(-10.01 seconds) {"SOC_DISPLAY":97.5} 09/24/2024 3:26:23 PM(-12.08 seconds) {} 09/24/2024 3:26:11 PM(-11.53 seconds) {"SOC_DISPLAY":98} 09/24/2024 3:26:03 PM(-8.47 seconds) {} 09/24/2024 3:25:51 PM(-11.55 seconds) {"SOC_DISPLAY":98} 09/24/2024 3:25:39 PM(-12.06 seconds) {} 09/24/2024 3:25:28 PM(-11.52 seconds) {"SOC_DISPLAY":98} 09/24/2024 3:25:18 PM(-9.5 seconds) {"SOC_DISPLAY":0} 09/24/2024 3:24:59 PM(-19.53 seconds) {} 09/24/2024 3:24:49 PM(-10.02 seconds) {} 09/24/2024 3:24:37 PM(-11.53 seconds) {"SOC_DISPLAY":98}

meatpiHQ commented 11 hours ago


But since that profile was working, maybe you would be able to help me get at least Odometer also?

sure, can you read the odometer value in car scanner? just to check if its supported.

And also there seems to be some bug with getting the SOC-values. About every other value is empty. Here are the history from MQTT Explorer (in reverse)

Do you see any timeout errors come on mqtt?

jornodberg commented 11 hours ago

@meatpiHQ : OH! Damn. I cannot find the Odometer in Car Scanner. It seems it primarily shows values related to BMS. :-1:

Yeah, I get this in addition to the SOC-values (both the correct SOC and the zero-SOC):

{"error": "Timeout, pid: 21057"}

Is it correct that Wican also sends 4-5 messages each second to wican/KiaSoul/can/rx , even after enabling AutoPID-setup?