meatyite / python-socialblade

Object oriented SocialBlade API wrapper
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invalid literal for int() with base 10 #14

Open MathiasEriksenCommits opened 3 years ago

MathiasEriksenCommits commented 3 years ago

Hello! again, so after it didn't block me from clodflare, it begun to give me this error, i am not trying to parse anything an an int in my program so i din't know why it does this

The Error invalid literal for int() with base 10: '<html>\n<head>\n<title>Social Blade Real Time</title>\n</head>\n</html>'

The Code @client.command() async def subs(ctx): ytchannel = YouTubeChannel('UChcazLGSKaa3U8mwISv2mKw') await ctx.send (ytchannel.get_subscriber_count())

I know you may not know the stuff but that is all ok, except for when it gives me that one error thanks in advance

meatyite commented 3 years ago

ok so i tested it, and apparently socialblade sends the number in some times and error HTML in other times ill do some debugging later

MathiasEriksenCommits commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much :)

MathiasEriksenCommits commented 3 years ago

any update on the matter?

felixmff commented 3 years ago

Is the update finsihed?

Catastrofa commented 3 years ago

Has it been fixed? When can we expect a fix?