Open boris-petrov opened 5 years ago
@mebigfatguy - just a heads-up on this one - PCOA_PARTIALLY_CONSTRUCTED_OBJECT_ACCESS
seems to be fixed in the new release but the rest remain broken on Java 11. Any ideas there?
Well the RCN, NP and UCM ones are actually spotbugs proper. I'm on the hook for DMC and WOC. Do you have examples of DMC and WOC failing?
Ah, sorry, I keep forgetting that there are built-in rules. :D I'll open an issue there then.
Here is a reproduction for both DMC and WOC:
class X<K, V> implements Map<K, V> {
private final Set<String> foo = new HashSet<>();
public int size() {
return 0;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return false;
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
return false;
public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
return false;
public V get(Object key) {
return null;
public V put(K key, V value) {
return null;
public V remove(Object key) {
return null;
public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> m) {
public void clear() {
public Set<K> keySet() {
return null;
public Collection<V> values() {
return null;
public Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> entrySet() {
return new EntrySet<>(this);
private static final class EntrySet<K, V> implements Set<Map.Entry<K, V>> {
private final X<K, V> map;
public EntrySet(X<K, V> map) { = map;
private static final class Entry<K, V> implements Map.Entry<K, V> {
private final Map<K, V> map;
private final K key;
public Entry(Map<K, V> map, K key) { = map;
this.key = key;
public K getKey() {
return key;
public V getValue() {
return map.get(key);
public V setValue(V value) {
return map.put(key, value);
public int size() {
return map.size();
public boolean isEmpty() {
public boolean contains(Object o) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Iterator<Map.Entry<K, V>> iterator() {
Set<K> keySet = map.keySet();
Iterator<K> iterator = keySet.iterator();
return new Iterator<>() {
public boolean hasNext() {
return iterator.hasNext();
public Map.Entry<K, V> next() {
return new EntrySet.Entry<>(map,;
public void remove() {
public Object[] toArray() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public <T> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean add(Map.Entry<K, V> e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean remove(Object o) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean containsAll(Collection<?> c) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean addAll(Collection<? extends Map.Entry<K, V>> c) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean retainAll(Collection<?> c) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public boolean removeAll(Collection<?> c) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public void clear() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Sorry it's a bit long but I guess it will do the job.
I guess for both of them the problem comes from passing/using the same variable in an inner class.
For WOC check the"");
line - it is not caught by fb-contrib and it thinks the foo
variable is only added to.
For DMC - the map
variable in X.EntrySet
is passed along in new EntrySet.Entry<>(map,;
- that's where fb-contrib fails.
Does this reflect real code? I can't fathom what real-world situation would look like this.
@ThrawnCA - it is a very real-world situation. We have an implementation of the Map
interface that does what I've done here (and lots more, of course, which I've stripped down). The private final Set<String> foo = new HashSet<>();
thing is from a completely different place in our code, I just merged the two issues together here because I saw that both happen because of an inner class.
Mind posting a
javap -v -private X
output for this above class? I can confirm it's fine in jdk8
% javap -v -private X
Classfile /home/boris/X.class
Last modified May 10, 2019; size 1731 bytes
MD5 checksum e4a36bd6bd0ef7cbcc4a813771112156
Compiled from ""
class X<K extends java.lang.Object, V extends java.lang.Object> extends java.lang.Object implements java.util.Map<K, V>
minor version: 0
major version: 55
flags: (0x0020) ACC_SUPER
this_class: #9 // X
super_class: #10 // java/lang/Object
interfaces: 1, fields: 1, methods: 13, attributes: 4
Constant pool:
#1 = Methodref #10.#56 // java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
#2 = Class #57 // java/util/HashSet
#3 = Methodref #2.#56 // java/util/HashSet."<init>":()V
#4 = Fieldref #9.#58 //;
#5 = String #59 //
#6 = InterfaceMethodref #60.#61 // java/util/Set.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
#7 = Class #62 // X$EntrySet
#8 = Methodref #7.#63 // X$EntrySet."<init>":(LX;)V
#9 = Class #64 // X
#10 = Class #65 // java/lang/Object
#11 = Class #66 // java/util/Map
#12 = Utf8 EntrySet
#13 = Utf8 InnerClasses
#14 = Utf8 foo
#15 = Utf8 Ljava/util/Set;
#16 = Utf8 Signature
#17 = Utf8 Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;
#18 = Utf8 <init>
#19 = Utf8 ()V
#20 = Utf8 Code
#21 = Utf8 LineNumberTable
#22 = Utf8 size
#23 = Utf8 ()I
#24 = Utf8 isEmpty
#25 = Utf8 ()Z
#26 = Utf8 containsKey
#27 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
#28 = Utf8 containsValue
#29 = Utf8 get
#30 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
#31 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Object;)TV;
#32 = Utf8 put
#33 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
#34 = Utf8 (TK;TV;)TV;
#35 = Utf8 remove
#36 = Utf8 putAll
#37 = Utf8 (Ljava/util/Map;)V
#38 = Utf8 (Ljava/util/Map<+TK;+TV;>;)V
#39 = Utf8 clear
#40 = Utf8 keySet
#41 = Utf8 ()Ljava/util/Set;
#42 = Utf8 ()Ljava/util/Set<TK;>;
#43 = Utf8 values
#44 = Utf8 ()Ljava/util/Collection;
#45 = Utf8 ()Ljava/util/Collection<TV;>;
#46 = Utf8 entrySet
#47 = Class #67 // java/util/Map$Entry
#48 = Utf8 Entry
#49 = Utf8 ()Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/util/Map$Entry<TK;TV;>;>;
#50 = Utf8 <K:Ljava/lang/Object;V:Ljava/lang/Object;>Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/Map<TK;TV;>;
#51 = Utf8 SourceFile
#52 = Utf8
#53 = Utf8 NestMembers
#54 = Class #68 // X$EntrySet$Entry
#55 = Class #69 // X$EntrySet$1
#56 = NameAndType #18:#19 // "<init>":()V
#57 = Utf8 java/util/HashSet
#58 = NameAndType #14:#15 // foo:Ljava/util/Set;
#59 = Utf8
#60 = Class #70 // java/util/Set
#61 = NameAndType #71:#27 // add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
#62 = Utf8 X$EntrySet
#63 = NameAndType #18:#72 // "<init>":(LX;)V
#64 = Utf8 X
#65 = Utf8 java/lang/Object
#66 = Utf8 java/util/Map
#67 = Utf8 java/util/Map$Entry
#68 = Utf8 X$EntrySet$Entry
#69 = Utf8 X$EntrySet$1
#70 = Utf8 java/util/Set
#71 = Utf8 add
#72 = Utf8 (LX;)V
private final java.util.Set<java.lang.String> foo;
descriptor: Ljava/util/Set;
flags: (0x0012) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_FINAL
Signature: #17 // Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/lang/String;>;
descriptor: ()V
flags: (0x0000)
stack=3, locals=1, args_size=1
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #1 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: aload_0
5: new #2 // class java/util/HashSet
8: dup
9: invokespecial #3 // Method java/util/HashSet."<init>":()V
12: putfield #4 // Field foo:Ljava/util/Set;
15: return
line 7: 0
line 8: 4
public int size();
descriptor: ()I
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
0: iconst_0
1: ireturn
line 12: 0
public boolean isEmpty();
descriptor: ()Z
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
0: iconst_0
1: ireturn
line 17: 0
public boolean containsKey(java.lang.Object);
descriptor: (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=1, locals=2, args_size=2
0: iconst_0
1: ireturn
line 22: 0
public boolean containsValue(java.lang.Object);
descriptor: (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=1, locals=2, args_size=2
0: iconst_0
1: ireturn
line 27: 0
public V get(java.lang.Object);
descriptor: (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=1, locals=2, args_size=2
0: aconst_null
1: areturn
line 32: 0
Signature: #31 // (Ljava/lang/Object;)TV;
public V put(K, V);
descriptor: (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=2, locals=3, args_size=3
0: aload_0
1: getfield #4 // Field foo:Ljava/util/Set;
4: ldc #5 // String
6: invokeinterface #6, 2 // InterfaceMethod java/util/Set.add:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
11: pop
12: aconst_null
13: areturn
line 37: 0
line 38: 12
Signature: #34 // (TK;TV;)TV;
public V remove(java.lang.Object);
descriptor: (Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=1, locals=2, args_size=2
0: aconst_null
1: areturn
line 43: 0
Signature: #31 // (Ljava/lang/Object;)TV;
public void putAll(java.util.Map<? extends K, ? extends V>);
descriptor: (Ljava/util/Map;)V
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=0, locals=2, args_size=2
0: return
line 48: 0
Signature: #38 // (Ljava/util/Map<+TK;+TV;>;)V
public void clear();
descriptor: ()V
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=0, locals=1, args_size=1
0: return
line 52: 0
public java.util.Set<K> keySet();
descriptor: ()Ljava/util/Set;
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
0: aconst_null
1: areturn
line 56: 0
Signature: #42 // ()Ljava/util/Set<TK;>;
public java.util.Collection<V> values();
descriptor: ()Ljava/util/Collection;
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
0: aconst_null
1: areturn
line 61: 0
Signature: #45 // ()Ljava/util/Collection<TV;>;
public java.util.Set<java.util.Map$Entry<K, V>> entrySet();
descriptor: ()Ljava/util/Set;
flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
stack=3, locals=1, args_size=1
0: new #7 // class X$EntrySet
3: dup
4: aload_0
5: invokespecial #8 // Method X$EntrySet."<init>":(LX;)V
8: areturn
line 66: 0
Signature: #49 // ()Ljava/util/Set<Ljava/util/Map$Entry<TK;TV;>;>;
Signature: #50 // <K:Ljava/lang/Object;V:Ljava/lang/Object;>Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/util/Map<TK;TV;>;
SourceFile: ""
private static final #12= #7 of #9; // EntrySet=class X$EntrySet of class X
public static #48= #47 of #11; // Entry=class java/util/Map$Entry of class java/util/Map
private static final #48= #54 of #7; // Entry=class X$EntrySet$Entry of class X$EntrySet
#55; // class X$EntrySet$1
I updated our code from Java 10 to Java 11 and a bunch of warnings appeared in SpotBugs:
Not sure why they would appear after updating Java. I haven't gone though them all but at least the one in the title of this issue is bogus:
Something like this gives the warning on the
line... again, this happens only on Java 11, not Java 10. Using OpenJDK 11.0.1.P.S. Also,
are also given and both are wrong. There is something amiss with fb-contrib on Java 11. How can I help?