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HTML5 QR Code Scanner Demo | Minhaz’s Blog #11

Open utterances-bot opened 3 years ago

utterances-bot commented 3 years ago

HTML5 QR Code Scanner Demo | Minhaz’s Blog

Demo of a cross platform HTML5 QR Code scanner

kkmmss12345 commented 3 years ago

Hello i have some questions I try to modify

with qrbox becomes document.body.clientWidth-100 As a result, Android can scan normally, but IOS cannot scan Want to understand what might have gone wrong?

bvnhan commented 3 years ago

i can't scan qr-code micro.

acbruno commented 3 years ago

Hi. Minhaz... First of all I want to thank you for sharing the project for QRcode with html5 (and your knowledge too). I have a question for a difficulty that I have to identify which camera is reading. For example: I have 2 cameras, I show the qrcode in one, and I need to save in a string which camera is reading. I tried to get it via html5-qrcode.min.js -> var (d), but the script shows me a random id. Ex.

dB5lBw / GqLa2s7cYTkKpWFmAf9oa6cwFBpTaSpwi2OA = DKHSUr1mod0pECnWtScivDRQAcxpECBRjPA4g6Opb0g = cA7HpvAhQYjhagJ8ZaAuyTJzyujoyNX NmtFnDhVdyA =

Can you help me with this question? Can you even see the value of the chosen camera? For example: camera 1, 2, 3,?

Sorry, my english is very bad.

Regards, Bruno.

sameeraman21 commented 3 years ago

it is not working in localChrome. its saying uncaught CameraIdorConfig

gsohler commented 3 years ago

Very nice, i like it! Which are the terms to integrate it into an PHP Application ? Is it possible to remember the "use camera"permission and choose which one to use ?

Balamurugan1903 commented 3 years ago

How to directly link start scanning without click request camera permissions

ricotritanto commented 3 years ago

html5 is not supported, except using https....

satyapratap-dev commented 3 years ago

It's not reading the some of the QR images. Can you please advise? For ex: Wikipedia website QR Code

Reza-kavian commented 3 years ago

In your site demo, in addition to qrcode, I can also scan barcodes. But when I transfer the source code to my project, it only reads qrcode but does not read barcodes

Reza-kavian commented 3 years ago

Just published support for multiple types of barcode in version 2.0.0. Please take a look at latest version of code from Github release or npm

sibelle-labs commented 3 years ago

Hi! Great work! Can you maybe post an example with the integration in an HTML form? Where, for example, have the choice of a field, input by hand or from a QR code? Many Thanks

tengty commented 3 years ago

Huawei or Samsung phone with multiple camera at rear couldn't pickup the right camera. Setting "environment" nothing show for Huawei, and Samsung pickup telphoto lens couldn't scan due focus super blur.

bmkun commented 3 years ago

hi ! Great work! can this qrcode get the camera permission without click the button first ? or auto request to make our web user easily using it ?

dubalumesh commented 3 years ago

How to scan qrcode instead using QRcode scanner instead of camera

mebjas commented 3 years ago

@dubalumesh You can scan using a image file selected from device or using the mobile device's camera application.


can this qrcode get the camera permission without click the button first ? or auto request to make our web user easily using it ?

Not right now, please file a feature request for this.

GumballLab commented 3 years ago


Great job, thank you.

When a code is detected is it possible to know the type of code? This would be very useful if you what to just read QR codes, for example.

Thank you very much.

Jalil-Irfan commented 3 years ago

Just tried to add in the minified JS from "" but on running the app after following the steps its scanning only the QR Barcodes are not getting scanned please help

bmkun commented 3 years ago

i using laragon for my local server, there is https setting for our local web, but wen i try to access from my phone like this ( ) i can't get https acces, my question is, can we access this "HTML5 QR Code scanner" from phone browser so i can see it work or not and how abou the interface from phone browser, thaks minhaz :)

mebjas commented 3 years ago

@GumballLab feature request filed, working on this -

@Jalil-Irfan - can you share the code you are using? And more about the OS / browser?

@bmkun - you should be able to do this using remote debugging in chrome -

equinoxe-rehm commented 3 years ago

Is there a way to translate the buttons and to hide the header with the link to github and the "Idle" etc. message?

derryberni commented 3 years ago

it's possible to disable upload images with any config?

mebjas commented 3 years ago


it's possible to disable upload images with any config?

Not yet implemented (please file a feature request) - Can I ask the reasons to remove it?


Is there a way to translate the buttons and to hide the header with the link to github and the "Idle" etc. message?

I am removing some redundant items from the status bar soon (including the prominent link). For the translation - Not yet, but I am soon planning to add internalisation support, but I am not proficient in many languages - would you be interested in contributing to transalation?

leedickson-my commented 2 years ago

how can I add support for Samsung Internet browser or other Chromium based browser?

sibelle-labs commented 2 years ago

@mebias it's possible to disable upload images with any config? And set environment device as default?

For translation to Spain or German, i can help ! Thanks a lot

ahadziahmetovic commented 2 years ago

Hello, I wonder if it is possible to better scan a smaller 2d image like 10mm x 10mm. Scanning sometimes takes a long time, and sometimes it is not possible. I’m trying to increase the fps to 50 or 100, but I haven’t seen better results. Do you have any suggestions?

BijeshEvento commented 2 years ago

@mebjas it's possible to open default camera directly with any config.

stefanoerrani commented 2 years ago

Very good work! Its' possibile hidden Code Scanner link and Scan and Image file link from the interface? I'm afraid that those who have to use it will get confused.

Best regards and good weork.

Stefano Errani

stefanoerrani commented 2 years ago

Its' also possible to translate the language: I need italian.

Best regards.

Stefano Errani

BijeshEvento commented 2 years ago

Very good work! Its' possibile hidden Code Scanner link and Scan and Image file link from the interface? I'm afraid that those who have to use it will get confused.

Best regards and good weork.

Stefano Errani

a#qr-reader__dashboard_section_swaplink {

display: none !important;


maittaml commented 2 years ago

Very interesting code thank you so much, I tried it in my localhost but it didn't work for me. Can you help me please, I clone the repository code and tried examples but didn't work. Thanks in advance.

yahyaefendy commented 2 years ago

@Balamurugan1903 I have same question, How to directly link start scanning without click request camera permissions?

matthewhudgins commented 2 years ago

I'm having the same issue where on this demo site it scans qr codes and barcodes but when I copy the code used on this page it only scans qr codes.

FredmanW commented 2 years ago

Any possibility of including Micro QR code useful on small area surfaces?

Jonnas123 commented 2 years ago

I've tried this example but after scan no result shows up.

    <title>Html-Qrcode Demo</title>
    <div id="qr-reader" style="width:500px"></div>
    <div id="qr-reader-results"></div>
<script src="/html5-qrcode.min.js"></script>
    function docReady(fn) {
        // see if DOM is already available
        if (document.readyState === "complete"
            || document.readyState === "interactive") {
            // call on next available tick
            setTimeout(fn, 1);
        } else {
            document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", fn);

    docReady(function () {
        var resultContainer = document.getElementById('qr-reader-results');
        var lastResult, countResults = 0;
        function onScanSuccess(decodedText, decodedResult) {
            if (decodedText !== lastResult) {
                lastResult = decodedText;
                // Handle on success condition with the decoded message.
                console.log(`Scan result ${decodedText}`, decodedResult);

        var html5QrcodeScanner = new Html5QrcodeScanner(
            "qr-reader", { fps: 10, qrbox: 250 });
smartputtur commented 2 years ago

How to stop camera for a while after each scan result or how to give Pause ?

mebjas commented 2 years ago


Very good work! Its' possibile hidden Code Scanner link and Scan and Image file link from the interface? I'm afraid that those who have to use it will get confused.

I have a work in progress that will hide it. Will release soon.

Its' also possible to translate the language: I need italian.

Not today, but have some plans - would you be interested in contributing to translation? Also, would you want to use it in pure Italian or based on user's language choice?

mebjas commented 2 years ago


Very interesting code thank you so much, I tried it in my localhost but it didn't work for me. Can you help me please, I clone the repository code and tried examples but didn't work. Thanks in advance.

What is the error?

mebjas commented 2 years ago

@Balamurugan1903 @yahyaefendy

How to directly link start scanning without click request camera permissions?

And for all similar questions - it's not possible in Chrome or other browsers to access camera without permission. It's in-fact not ethical either (camera can be very sensitive input for users).

That said, I am working on a feature that will check if user has granted permissions in the past and open camera if the permission was already granted.

mebjas commented 2 years ago


I'm having the same issue where on this demo site it scans qr codes and barcodes but when I copy the code used on this page it only scans qr codes.

Is your local example not scanning any types of bar code?

mebjas commented 2 years ago


How to stop camera for a while after each scan result or how to give Pause ?

What do you mean by stop camera for a while - Html5QrcodeScanner#clear() can be used to clean the entire layout, is that not useful?

leewesley123 commented 2 years ago

Hello! :) I have come across an issue where when I click on "request camera permissions" and then click "allow", it seems not able to get the camera ID of my laptop. The dropdown box beside "select camera" is empty. I can see that my laptop's webcam turns on for a second and then automatically turn off right after when I click "Allow".

Then when I click on "Start scanning", an error Uncaught cameraIdOrConfig is required is thrown. May I have some advice on this? Thanks! :)

mohsin-incep commented 2 years ago

Hi :) It is posible to hide code scanner and box of code scanner untill camera open. and also directly open mobile's rear camera when user click on request camera permision

equinoxe-rehm commented 2 years ago
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
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  Mit freundlichen Grüßen

  Michael Rehm
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  Geschäftsführer: Wolfgang Schuler
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  USt-ID Nr. DE187235063
mebjas commented 2 years ago


and also directly open mobile's rear camera when user click on request camera permision

This sounds good, please file a feature request here - I'll try to pick it up asap.

It is posible to hide code scanner and box of code scanner untill camera open.

I cannot reproduce this, can you maybe share a video.

mebjas commented 2 years ago

@leewesley123 Can you verify if any other web application can access camera on your device?

JethroPogi commented 2 years ago

Hello! :) I have come across an issue where when I click on "request camera permissions" and then click "allow", it seems not able to get the camera ID of my laptop. The dropdown box beside "select camera" is empty. I can see that my laptop's webcam turns on for a second and then automatically turn off right after when I click "Allow".

Then when I click on "Start scanning", an error Uncaught cameraIdOrConfig is required is thrown. May I have some advice on this? Thanks! :)

Hello, I had the same issue and tried running the app on XAMPP and it worked just fine, i think it has something to do with opening the camera without HTTPS

Kelta-King commented 2 years ago

@smartputtur, you can stop the code execution by making a sleep function. Like...

function stop_while(miliseconds) {
    const currentTime = new Date().getTime();
    while (currentTime + miliseconds >= new Date().getTime()) {

Now call this function after getting the decode text in onScanSuccess() function. Like...

function onScanSuccess(decodedText, decodedResult) {
    // Handle on success condition with the decoded text or result.
    console.log(`Scan result: ${decodedText}`, decodedResult);

    // It is used to stop the loop for some time.
rodneystover commented 2 years ago

I am using the Html5Qrcode class in PRO Mode successfully but I have been unable to config the code for turning on / off the flashlight. Do you have any documentation that would better explain how to do this? I have used your sample scanner at the top of this page on both iphone and android but neither gives a button to turn off/on the flashlight. I have tried using the below code after initializing the camera but it doesn't so anything.

    /** load scanner using back camera **/
    html5QrCode.start({ facingMode: { exact: "environment"} }, config, qrCodeSuccessCallback);

html5QrCode.hasFlash().then((hasFlash) => {
  if (hasFlash) {
    // Flash light is supported, turn it on
qwertz1958 commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

i am looking close to a simple example. I would like to see an optical message after successfully scanning a barcode. I am working with html5QrCode = new Html5Qrcode ("reader");

Kind regards


rodneystover commented 2 years ago


In your HTML place the following line in the position you would like to see your message after successfully scanning a barcode:

<div id="scanMessage"></div>

Then inside the below javascript code (for a successful scan):

const qrCodeSuccessCallback = (decodedText, decodedResult) => { --------> insert line from below here };

You can insert this line: if using jquery use: $( "#scanMessage" ).html('Successful Message to Display Here'); or if using regular javascript use : document.getElementById("scanMessage").innerHTML="Successful Message to Display Here";