mechanical-orchard / playwright-elixir

An Elixir library for Playwright web automation
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New function - Abort #41

Open oliver-kriska opened 2 years ago

oliver-kriska commented 2 years ago

Hello, I would like to ask you about implementation abort function so we can skip some resources to load, especially in my case images and videos. I made this function here:

@spec abort(t(), binary()) :: :ok
  defp abort(%Route{session: session} = route, error_code \\ nil) do, {:guid, route.guid}, :abort, %{error_ode: error_code})

and implementation:

Playwright.Page.route(page_loader, "**/*", fn route, request ->
      if request.resource_type in ["image", "font"] do
        Playwright.Route.abort(route, "blockedbyclient")

But it crash server, I very new in playwright so not sure where can be problem.

Doc for abort is here and my code is here

coreyti commented 1 year ago

Hi @oliver-kriska, a quick note:

@lexun and I were taking a look at this yesterday. It turns out that the immediate fix/implementation for Route.abort/2 as you implemented is not too difficult[^1], but we discovered some fun edge-case bugs while working on that.

So, thanks for creating this GitHub issue! It's going to lead to additional improvements. I hope to get those out shortly. And, thank you @lexun for your eyes and contributions on this.

Work in progress.

[^1]: indeed, I believe that you solved it later in your fork.