mechanismHQ / bns-x

A protocol for extending and improving the Bitcoin Naming System
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Fetching of BNS names is not working? #7

Open dhriaznov opened 6 months ago

dhriaznov commented 6 months ago

hey folks, the BNS API is supposed to fetch the BNS names as well as BNSx names, right?

the thing is that when I'm trying the /bns/addresses/stacks/{principal} or /v1/addresses/stacks/{principal} endpoint in Swagger or manually it doesn't return BNS names for some reason.

e.g. I fetch the /v1/names/xxxxxx.stx, it returns the owner address which is SP3PMBT28H9FSKPN8G7AR5K6YP8MABK7T9D1N89P3, but then if I fetch /bns/addresses/stacks/SP3PMBT28H9FSKPN8G7AR5K6YP8MABK7T9D1N89P3 it returns an empty array of names

almostdotbtc commented 2 months ago

Hi there. BNSx was never widely used. I can find you the exact amount but it’s a very very small percentage of BNS names, and the team working on BNSx has been dissolved. It would be great if this could proceed just using BNS and not worrying about BNSx. Sorry this has taken so long, decentralization is great but definitely has its drawbacks.

Looking forward to hearing,


almostdotbtc commented 2 months ago

Because migrating to BNSx involves wrapping your BNS Core name, using the Stacks Blockchain API endpoints won't work for users that have upgraded.

314159265359879 commented 2 months ago

It is not fetching both. Leather has proposed this solution though: