I tried defining a UDF which would allow me to cache queries before running or reference previously cached ones from a file:
import json
import os
def save_query(*args, **kwargs):
desc = f"{datetime.now()}: {kwargs['desc']}"
qf = f"{os.getenv('TOOLING_DIR')}/QueryFile"
with open(qf, "w") as qryFile:
cached_queries = json.loads(qryFile.read())
query_entry = {
kwargs['key']: {
"query": f"{args}",
"description": desc
return args
custom_query = lambda : eval("<custom query as string>")
def run_query(qry_key):
with open("f"{os.getenv('TOOLING_DIR')}/QueryFile", "r") as qryFile:
cached_queries = json.loads(qryFile.read())
if qry_key not in cached_queries.keys():
raise KeyError("Undefined query")
qry = cached_queries[qry_key]
return qry['query']
This does not appear to work - it either fails with this error, or a similar one. I may be doing this incorrectly, as I assume that the RBQL queries are in a tuple format.
Is this because the extension is just reading from stdout?
async function run_command_and_parse_output(cmd, args) {
let execution_result = null;
try {
execution_result = await command_async_wrapper(cmd, args);
let json_report = execution_result.stdout;
if (!json_report || execution_result.stderr) {
let error_msg = execution_result.stderr || 'empty error';
return {error_type: 'Integration', error_msg: error_msg};
try {
return JSON.parse(json_report);
} catch (e) {
return {error_type: 'Integration', error_msg: 'Unable to parse JSON report'};
function command_async_wrapper(cmd, args) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
let stdout_data = '';
let stderr_data = '';
let process = child_process.spawn(cmd, args, {'windowsHide': true});
process.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
stdout_data += data.toString();
process.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
stderr_data += data.toString();
process.on('close', function (code) { // Consider replacing 'close' with 'exit'.
resolve({'exit_code': code, 'stdout': stdout_data, 'stderr': stderr_data});
process.on('error', function (err) {
I tried defining a UDF which would allow me to cache queries before running or reference previously cached ones from a file:
This does not appear to work - it either fails with this error, or a similar one. I may be doing this incorrectly, as I assume that the RBQL queries are in a tuple format.
Is this because the extension is just reading from stdout?