mechero / full-reactive-stack

Full Reactive Stack with Spring Boot (WebFlux), MongoDB and Angular
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Migration to Spring Boot 3 & Angular 15 #9

Open lgrignon opened 1 year ago

lgrignon commented 1 year ago

Hello @mechero

Thanks for this nice sample application for a Reactive Full Stack model!

I upgraded the project to Spring Boot 3 and Angular 15, so I wanted to share those changes with you and your community. I also added a nice show case on how to keep reacting on server events when new data is created. You can take a look on the dedicated branch if you are interested :)

That being said, I doubt you will want to merge because I also removed Mongo to show how to use a relational database and added instead R2DBC with a H2 database. Maybe we could merge this on a dedicated branch of your repo? We could also just let this PR open for the users to pick it when necessary.

Please tell me what you prefer, and we will proceed accordingly :)