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Repair the treadmill controller #1

Open moorepants opened 1 year ago

moorepants commented 1 year ago

The treadmill controller is kaput. We need to try to repair it or make/find a replacement. We could start with the meetshop and see if they can fix it or maybe we can pay DEMO to fix it. Asking Jan van Frankenhuizen for suggestions on getting it fixed, maybe he can help or point us to a person in 3mE that can do this.

moorepants commented 1 year ago

Frank van Straten used to work at ForceLink and may be able to help us. I have his phone #.

moorepants commented 9 months ago

We need the treadmill working for January 2024 for Marten's experiments. Here are some notes on what we can do.

moorepants commented 8 months ago

There is a sticker on the other lab's controller that says "Motek Medical service date 2020". Given that they were servicing it up to 2020, we should call Motek. Motek bought forcelink at some point. @pcvanderzalmtudelft

pcvanderzalmtudelft commented 8 months ago

That is a good idea, I will try to contact them this afternoon.

pcvanderzalmtudelft commented 8 months ago

They didnt answer my phone call, so I have send them an email, with @moorepants in cc (although the email is in dutch). Lets hope they respond soon, but I will try to call again tomorrow.

pcvanderzalmtudelft commented 8 months ago

I have called Motek again and they said that it would be possible to buy a new controller. I have send them another email with photos of the controller we have now with the serial number to see if they have a matching one laying around.

moorepants commented 8 months ago

Perfect, if they have it let me know the price.

pcvanderzalmtudelft commented 8 months ago

Motek said that these controllers are pretty old and they hope that they can still support them; I have had to send photos of the PCB and they will now internally discuss the options.

moorepants commented 8 months ago

Ok, any replacement of something new or used is fine too.

moorepants commented 7 months ago

The new board is here but two of the ribbon cables need new connectors or new cables for the new board. Also seems one chip may need to be transferred from the old board to the new board. Marten will take it to the meetshop in the morning for advice.

moorepants commented 7 months ago

From Marten:

I just brought the board to the meetshop. He said the connector on the new board is also for a ribbon cable. He is going to check if he has the right connector, and will otherwise order it. He will let me know when he has an update.

pcvanderzalmtudelft commented 7 months ago

I got a message from Jacques that the controller is fixed and I will pick it up today

moorepants commented 7 months ago


pcvanderzalmtudelft commented 7 months ago

I just tested to controller on the treadmill and the controller just gives an error with high pitched sound..... I have given Jacques the information of the contact person at Motek and he will call them for specific questions..

moorepants commented 4 months ago

One other possiblity: you could post request on the Biomech-L forum to see if anyone round the world might have one of these old controllers and we could buy it from them.

pcvanderzalmtudelft commented 4 months ago

Later today (or tomorrow, depending on the availability of Jacques) I will go over to the meetshop to pick up the controller and ask him for suggestions for the next steps. I will also taka look at the forum, although it seems that at the sales section, there is not much traffic.

moorepants commented 4 months ago

Doesn't' hurt to make some traffic. Lots of people still watch that forum.