mechmotum / ideas

Research ideas for the TU Delft Bicycle Laboratorium
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Optimal Bike Design Based On Existing Bicycle Designs #10

Open moorepants opened 4 years ago

moorepants commented 4 years ago


The idea is to select an existing bicycle that has handling qualities that you like and calculate it's eigenvalues/eigenvectors (i.e. simplest description of its dynamics). Then partially design a new different bicycle, for example maybe a small wheel short wheel base bicycle. Let some set of physical parameters be free parameters in the new design. The are the parameters the design would manipulate to get a desirable design for the small wheel bike. Now use optimization to find optimal parameters of the new bicycle design that minimize the difference in the eigenvalues/eigenvectors wrt to the existing bicycle design. This will adjust the physical parameters of the new bicycle design to try to get matching dynamics to the existing design even though you've fixed some aspects of the new design to be different than the existing design.

Prior Art

This paper gave me the idea:

M. Paudel and F. F. Yap, “Development of an improved design methodology and front steering design guideline for small-wheel bicycles for better stability and performance,” Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, vol. 234, no. 3, pp. 227–244, Sep. 2020, doi: 10.1177/1754337120919608.

They basically do this process but in a very manual way.

Proposed Methods

I think you can use the procedures I use in this paper to solve this problem:

But you'll have to be clever in designing the objective function to compare the eigenvalues/eigenvectors.

Required Resources

moorepants commented 4 years ago

This is written up as an MSc proposal: