The fire department and medical resource often demand that roads accomdate their large vehicles at maximum travel speeds. This means that these vehicles fly through neighborhoods and the streets are then designed in a way that other vehicle go faster too. These departments oppose speed bumps/humps/tables, traffic circles, and traffic calming. In the US the fire trucks are especially enormous so the streets have to be enormous. I'd like to put some objective numbers on the consequences of slowing down and making these vehicles smaller. What are the actual consequences to the human lives that are being rescued?
The fire department and medical resource often demand that roads accomdate their large vehicles at maximum travel speeds. This means that these vehicles fly through neighborhoods and the streets are then designed in a way that other vehicle go faster too. These departments oppose speed bumps/humps/tables, traffic circles, and traffic calming. In the US the fire trucks are especially enormous so the streets have to be enormous. I'd like to put some objective numbers on the consequences of slowing down and making these vehicles smaller. What are the actual consequences to the human lives that are being rescued?
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