I wanted to compare the performance of the EndoNeRF in its most basic configuration to the Original NeRF's performance, but it doesn't seem to exist an easy way to remove/"shut down" the first MLP, G_theta, (so I wouldn't have a canonical space), as it does to "shut down"/not use the masks and the depth maps (with variables use_fgmask and use_depth, respectively). Is there any easy way to do what I would like to, or not really?
I wanted to compare the performance of the EndoNeRF in its most basic configuration to the Original NeRF's performance, but it doesn't seem to exist an easy way to remove/"shut down" the first MLP,
, (so I wouldn't have a canonical space), as it does to "shut down"/not use the masks and the depth maps (with variablesuse_fgmask
, respectively). Is there any easy way to do what I would like to, or not really?