med-material / d3-rshiny-vis

Example project of making D3.js visualizations within R shiny
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Controller Movement Visualization: Implement First Version With D3 #2

Open bastianilso opened 1 year ago

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

For the Whack-A-Mole VR dashboard, we want to visualize how players have moved their controller while playing. I made a sketch of how we envision this below:


The idea is to try to implement this in D3:

You can find the image assets in here (if possible, you can use the vector graphics SVG files directly in D3?)

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

Here is some example data (it's 20 seconds of movement by a player in Whack-A-Mole VR). You need to use the columns RightControllerPosWorldX and RightControllerPosWorldZ.


aldsanms commented 1 year ago

For the Whack-A-Mole VR dashboard, we want to visualize how players have moved their controller while playing. I made a sketch of how we envision this below:


The idea is to try to implement this in D3:

  • The Whack-A-Mole wall will be a background image to the D3 visualization.
  • The visualization itself is a rectangular surface with x axis from -2 to 2 and y axis from -2 to 2.
  • We should start with visualizing movement activity as simple "dots" within this rectangular surface.
  • On top of the rectangular surface we draw the player and a VR controller.

You can find the image assets in here (if possible, you can use the vector graphics SVG files directly in D3?)

*Here is a screenshot of the CSV file data visualization:

graph01 data.csv

The data is read by the R program and processed in the JS. a background image shows us the axes of the graph. this image follows the size of the window in order to maintain the correct values of projection points.

I haven't managed to put a local background image yet, so for the moment I got an image from the web.

The visualization itself is a rectangular surface with x axis from -2 to 2 and y axis from -2 to 2.

*This is the R program:



AllData <- read.csv(file = "C:/StageA4/Rstudio/test/02/data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, strip.white = TRUE, sep = ';')

r2d3( data=AllData, script = "C:/StageA4/Rstudio/test/02/test01.js" )

*And this is the JS program:


var barWidth = Math.ceil(width/2); var barHeight = Math.ceil(height/2);

var backgroundPicURL = "..."

svg.selectAll('rect') .data(data) .enter().append('rect') .attr('width', 2) .attr('height', 2) .attr('y', function(d) { return barHeight + (d.RightControllerPosWorldZbarHeight)/2}) .attr('x', function(d) { return barWidth + (d.RightControllerPosWorldXbarWidth)/2}) .attr('fill', "blue");

svg.attr('style', "background: rgb(55, 255, 255);background-image: url("+backgroundPicURL+");background-repeat: no-repeat;background-position: center;background-size: 100% 100%;")

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

Few comments 👍

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

Few comments 👍

  • It should be possible to read your D3 script and CSV file using a relative file path instead of an absolute path. (if the R project and your files are located in the same folder). I believe this should also be possible for the background image.
  • The JS program you are showing, is that using D3? (I dont see a mention of D3 in there, hence why I'm asking). You may need to use a D3 scatterplot example as your basis (I see variables like barHeight and barWidth in there, which I assume are leftover from the previous barchart exercise)

The script in the JS file is a D3 script.

For barWidth and barHeight I need it for point positioning.

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

Here is the error i get when i try to load a local image.


I tried with several paths and with "/" or "\", I always have the same message.

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms what happens if you use a reltative path? say just axe.png ?

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms what happens if you use a reltative path? say just axe.png ?

It sends the same message.

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms did you try without using "file:///" ? ( I just googled your error and found that link below).

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms did you try without using "file:///" ? ( I just googled your error and found that link below).

error02 It does the same thing

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms that path in your screenshot still contains file:///.

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

OK so it works with Shiny.

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

Here is the result of my first test with Shiny and R2D3:

You can see the code here : -> link <-

With this code, we can know when an element is hovered or clicked, and then perform an action afterwards.

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

Hi @aldsanms nice! We will explore more interactivity later too.

I put a link to a zip file in the original message with image assets for you to create the Controller Movement Visualizization. Could you download this and create the Controller Movement Visualization in R Shiny?

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

I put a link to a zip file in the original message with image assets for you to create the Controller Movement Visualizization. Could you download this and create the Controller Movement Visualization in R Shiny?

I'm looking for this now.

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms I have updated the image assets to accomodate for movement in both negative and positive X and Y, see mockup below. image

you can download the updated assets here:

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms if you want, you could animate the VR controller moving around, as if the person was playing. I will send the circle and the controller as two separate assets:

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms an additional feature you can explore: tracking mouse X and Y movements within the visualization and show the numbers in terms of units on the X and Y axis underneath:


bastianilso commented 1 year ago

I think drawing some basic grid lines to mark "1 meter" and "-1" meter in X and Y directions can also help reading the graph.


bastianilso commented 1 year ago

The head on the visual mockups are not for scale, by the way. The head should ideally be ~20 cm big to correspond approximately to the size of the human head.

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

Remaining todos for this visualization:

  1. Replace background image with D3 drawn lines.
  2. Zoom the graph a little so that the outer edges are 1.25m, and -1.25m, so we can see data better.
  3. Replace "red dot" with controller icon, and make controller move around.
  4. Introduce text underneath the graph, where we can write X and Y coordinate of the mouse cursor.
  5. Introduce scrubbing/playback.
aldsanms commented 1 year ago

Remaining todos for this visualization:

  1. Replace background image with D3 drawn lines.
  2. Zoom the graph a little so that the outer edges are 1.25m, and -1.25m, so we can see data better.
  3. Replace "red dot" with controller icon, and make controller move around.
  4. Introduce text underneath the graph, where we can write X and Y coordinate of the mouse cursor.
  5. Introduce scrubbing/playback.

Today I managed to realize almost all the issues:

  1. Replace background image with D3 drawn lines.
  2. Zoom the graph a little so that the outer edges are 1.25m, and -1.25m, so we can see data better.
  3. Introduce text underneath the graph, where we can write X and Y coordinate of the mouse cursor.
  4. Introduce scrubbing/playback.

(no additional libraries are needed)

Also, I added other features:

A. We can zoom in real time to the center of the graph. B. The axes and the point representing the head are automatically resized in real time. C. All parameters, values and sizes are easily editable with variables.

I still have to do:

  1. Replace "red dot" with controller icon, and make controller move around. -> Fix bugs (red dot jumps when zooming)(crashes when zooming in or out too much)

Here is a presentation video:

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

Today i changed the background image of the controller and added a move function in the graph.

hendrikknoche commented 1 year ago

hmm, can we use the orientation for the controller? it looks a bit strange when it doesn't rotate naturally.

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

hmm, can we use the orientation for the controller? it looks a bit strange when it doesn't rotate naturally.

Yes it should be possible, i will look tomorrow.

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

I managed to change the rotation of the controller, I still have some calibrations to do.

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

I managed to generate moles with different ID than number of columns and rows stored in variables. It is now easy to change some moles arguments like colors or size.

bastianilso commented 1 year ago
aldsanms commented 1 year ago

Today I managed to:

I still have to do:

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms really cool, well done! Looking forward to try this with the time scroll bar.

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

Today I managed to:

I still have to do:

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

Today I managed to:

In this video time is accelerated. In this example we can see that when the mole is not in the player's field of vision, he does not click.

I still have to do:

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

Hi @aldsanms, the head orientation plot and the controller visualization plot are supposed to exist as two different visualizations, it would be better if you post updates regarding the head orientation plot in issue #5 👍

bastianilso commented 1 year ago

@aldsanms let me know what the status of the controller movement visualization. When you feel the controller movement visualization is ready to be reviewed, create a pull request for it.

aldsanms commented 1 year ago

Today I finished the functions needed for display and movements. I can't display the time axis below the scrollbar as I want.

Here is an example: moleWall_laser_controler_02_01