We would like to use BiG-SCAPE either using Docker or, preferably, singularity. The latest release docker image is not working for us. I understand is under development (see #25 ). There are images in dockerhub such as https://hub.docker.com/r/aflatoxing/bigscape which are not up to date.
I have created a singularity image for the latest available version of bigscape, following the instructions given in this issue #22 but using as source code the latest release.
This image is working for us in our server. I would appreciate if you could offer an official image to use (maybe using this one as a reference). Also, I don't understand why the dockerfile image refers to the latest version of the project instead of a release. Doesn't it make it less reproducible and more susceptible to bugs?
Thank you in advance.
How to reproduce sif file
This is the our bigscape.def file. It is based os this file:
We would like to use BiG-SCAPE either using Docker or, preferably, singularity. The latest release docker image is not working for us. I understand is under development (see #25 ). There are images in dockerhub such as https://hub.docker.com/r/aflatoxing/bigscape which are not up to date.
I have created a singularity image for the latest available version of bigscape, following the instructions given in this issue #22 but using as source code the latest release.
My final singularity image can be found here: https://cloud.sylabs.io/library/currocam/default/bigscape
This image is working for us in our server. I would appreciate if you could offer an official image to use (maybe using this one as a reference). Also, I don't understand why the dockerfile image refers to the latest version of the project instead of a release. Doesn't it make it less reproducible and more susceptible to bugs?
Thank you in advance.
How to reproduce sif file
This is the our bigscape.def file. It is based os this file:
I build the image by running
singularity build --sandbox --fakeroot bigscape bigscape.def
Then, I edit the source code as indicated in #22 and build the sif file
singularity build --fakeroot bigscape_singularity.sif bigscape
We are able to run the program using
singularity run bigscape_singularity.sif python /usr/src/BiG-SCAPE/bigscape.py --help