media-kit / media-kit

A cross-platform video player & audio player for Flutter & Dart.
MIT License
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In Flutter web, google chrome (not mobile's browser, desktop browser) does not play video #826

Open alperefesahin opened 1 month ago

alperefesahin commented 1 month ago

As mentioned in the title, in Flutter web, Google Chrome (not a mobile browser, desktop browser) does not play video.

You can play, and check:

I did not understand why, because I do not use different codes for different browsers. In the mobile google chrome, it works fine.


abdelaziz-mahdy commented 1 month ago

can you provide any example code or something from the website logs i see Exception: Failed to load HLS.js so it may be the problem, but you are saying it loads on mobile so thats weird

also hls doesnt load since the hls is not found is returning 404, so check the hosting website since it looks like it blocks it

if this is apache allow the serving of static files

alperefesahin commented 4 weeks ago


In the assets/packages there is no mediakit I checked it. But.. it works. I do not touch it, flutter web builder generates files, and I upload them to the cpanel. As I said, works on mobile correctly, but not desktop google chorme.

Maybe this comments help you to understand better.



abdelaziz-mahdy commented 4 weeks ago

I can't find the video on the website you provided, can you let me know where to find it, also what is the type of video played is it a m3u8 file? Do you have a link for it ?

alperefesahin commented 4 weeks ago

@abdelaziz-mahdy If you go and see the cubic, there is a video (controller removed, so it seems like GIF, the main aim). Video format is .mp4

Video is coming from the assets, I have no link unfortunately 🫠

abdelaziz-mahdy commented 4 weeks ago

@abdelaziz-mahdy If you go and see the cubic, there is a video (controller removed, so it seems like GIF, the main aim). Video format is .mp4

Video is coming from the assets, I have no link unfortunately 🫠


i cant find a video nor a gif

but i have to mention that even wake lock fails to load returns 404

so maybe thats the problem

our demo works correctly even


i say its a problem from your hosting site, try to use github pages if it works the problem is 100% your hosting site, or you copying method