mediabots / InstagramBot-GUI-Python

Fully automated "Instagram Bot" with Graphical User Interface & Multi tasking. Written in Python with PyQt4/PySide
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Closed Oyetomi closed 4 years ago

Oyetomi commented 4 years ago

First of all Lovely bot and UI. I just started using it Would be appreciated if you can implement this.. SEND AUTOMATED DM TO NEW FOLLOWERS workflow---> Download current followers into a list "username_followers.txt" Scrape followers every X minutes, into the list "username_newfollowers.txt", Subtract username_followers.txt - username_newfollowers.txt if theres a new follower is detected send them a DM

mediabots commented 4 years ago

Thank you I will add these kind of many features. But only after when basic required features, such as: like,comment,posts are implemented successfully. As you can see ,those features are listed in my UI , but not activated yet.

If any contributor want to add these Miscalinious features , they are welcome to do so

And whenever this feature is ready I will let you know, by replying on this issue.
