mediachain / concat

Mediachain daemons
MIT License
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Directory Extensions for namespace listing #101

Closed vyzo closed 7 years ago

vyzo commented 7 years ago

Adds support for namespace listing to the directory protocol; see #71

Protocol changes:

/mediachain/dir/list extensions:

/mediachain/dir/listns implementation:

Some (incidental) net refactoring:


# test network
$ mcdir -d /tmp/mcdir
I am /ip4/

$ mcnode -d /tmp/mcnode1
Peer ID: QmaiJkP7eNQ7HSBWR8KF5qnWDenwiFa8X6kd4heMrCE16r

$ mcnode -d /tmp/mcnode2 -l 9003 -c 9004
Peer ID: QmPsrVV6mGkha31VXq9HggsSs1iKX6D7hnii1CacQUSCK3

# seed the nodes with some data
$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9002 status online
status set to online
$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9002 merge QmeiY2eHMwK92Zt6X4kUUC3MsjMmVb2VnGZ17DhnhRPCEQ "SELECT * FROM * LIMIT 10"
merged 10 statements and 10 objects
$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9002 merge QmZ6dckUhRouVr6AsBTpK6vMLVpcz1KAeJAJVQEZQ5gCek "SELECT * FROM * LIMIT 10"
merged 10 statements and 900 objects
$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9002 query "SELECT namespace FROM *"

$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9004 status online
status set to online
$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9004 merge QmTVsocFCSEdPyM8dZ734GRhjvvmYyL9fShyezVkbPj17E "SELECT * FROM * LIMIT 10"
merged 10 statements and 10 objects
$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9004 query "SELECT namespace FROM *"

# go public with the test directory
$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9002 config dir /ip4/
$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9002 status public

$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9004 config dir /ip4/
$ mcclient -p http://localhost:9004 status public
status set to public

# view from each node
$ curl http://localhost:9002/dir/list
$ curl http://localhost:9004/dir/list

$ curl http://localhost:9002/dir/listns

$ curl http://localhost:9002/dir/list/images.dpla
$ curl http://localhost:9004/dir/list/images.dpla
$ curl http://localhost:9002/dir/list/
$ curl http://localhost:9004/dir/list/
$ curl http://localhost:9002/dir/list/mediachain.schemas
$ curl http://localhost:9004/dir/list/mediachain.schemas
$ curl http://localhost:9002/dir/list/museums.moma.artists
$ curl http://localhost:9004/dir/list/museums.moma.artists
$ curl "http://localhost:9002/dir/list/images.*"
$ curl "http://localhost:9004/dir/list/images.*"

# include self in results
$ curl "http://localhost:9002/dir/list/*/all"
$ curl "http://localhost:9002/dir/list/images.*/all"
yusefnapora commented 7 years ago

This looks great 👍

Newly added namespaces should get picked up by the directory on the next register "heartbeat", right? So ~5mins is the max time between adding a namespace and it being listed in the directory.

I wonder if we should add some way for a peer to see its own listings from the directory; I notice that your own peer's namespaces are excluded by default, which seems correct. But it might be good for a user to be able to verify that their stuff is visible to other peers without having to spin up another testing node...

Also (only semi-related), can we use the DHT provider records to distribute namespace listings without a directory? That might be cool, but seems like a distributed cache invalidation problem we might want to avoid 😄

vyzo commented 7 years ago

Newly added namespaces should get picked up by the directory on the next register "heartbeat", right?


I wonder if we should add some way for a peer to see its own listings from the directory

The filtering happens in the client side, ie the concat node simply edits itself out of the list. We could change this, but it complicates some usage to have your own self mixed up with your peers.

Also (only semi-related), can we use the DHT provider records to distribute namespace listings without a directory?

It's part of the grand plan :)

vyzo commented 7 years ago

Added the /dir/list/{ns}/all variant to include self in results, which lets the user choose whether he wants to include self in results and avoids the impedance mismatch.