mediachain / mediachain-indexer

search, dedupe, and media ingestion for mediachain
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fixes for blockchain tailing #20

Closed yusefnapora closed 8 years ago

yusefnapora commented 8 years ago

This fixes up a few things to get mediachain-indexer-ingest tail_blockchain and mediachain-indexer-ingest receive_blockchain_into_indexer working.

Mostly just fixes a few variable and method names, and sets the defaults so it tries to connect to the testnet at

Also makes the translatedAt field optional; we should probably remove that entirely, but I figure the ingestion from the blockchain will probably need a lot of metaschema work in the future, so didn't want to make any big changes now. This gets it working with the data that's currently in the testnet.

autoencoder commented 8 years ago

Good call removing translatedAt. Didn't make much sense for us to be generating new objects in the blockchain when the same metadata was ingested twice, due to the translatedAt.

Added relevant future TODOs here:
