I uploaded a .csv of the following Google Sheet and when I looked at it in DataDesk, it threw out some of the columns. I have attached a screenshot.
And the .csv I used. Is it a problem because in the column H04, there is a variable with parentheses? For example: Pasta (excl spaghetti, macaroni)
[Uploading cpi_prices_reformatted - cpi_prices.csv…]()
The parentheses shouldn't be a problem but the commas separating item inside the parentheses would be considered a separate item. I will try to find a way around this.
Hi Ciaran!
I uploaded a .csv of the following Google Sheet and when I looked at it in DataDesk, it threw out some of the columns. I have attached a screenshot.
And the .csv I used. Is it a problem because in the column H04, there is a variable with parentheses? For example: Pasta (excl spaghetti, macaroni) [Uploading cpi_prices_reformatted - cpi_prices.csv…]()