medialab / hyphe2solr

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Solr info #1

Open bornakke opened 9 years ago

bornakke commented 9 years ago

Hi Medialab,

For a complet newbee in the field of Solr do you then have any suggestions as to:

(I'm currently using this guide:

Secondly, I'm unable to understand this warning but I have a destinct feeling that it is important that I do understand it before I run anything. Could you elaborate a bit on the section:

"se the solr node example provided in solr_hyphe_core directory. the script might helps you. Change the solr core path and tomcat user/service (depends on your install) in the script before using it. BEWARE : It will erase any hyphe core already present in solr core path. You should review the script before using it."

Thirdly, is it posible for you to share the files that you have adapted on your server for it to work.

Lots of questions. Hope you can help me out.

Best regards Tobias

boogheta commented 9 years ago

Hey, quick answers but @paulgirard should complete

Sorry that's not very detailed but that's from vacation :p