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RFC: Using SQL queries with Loopback #25

Closed JonForest closed 7 years ago

JonForest commented 8 years ago

I've been working on a blog post for the soon-to-be Mediasuite blog. This is what I've got so far, but it's not been polished in the slightest. I'd love some feedback and some technical validation.

The examples in here are basically ripped from some code I wrote in My Worksites. I'm going to replace them code from this repo:

All the excitement, such that it is, happens in here:

This blog post will undergo some serious polishing before it goes live, but before I do that, I'd like to ensure it isn't the proverbial turd.

Using Native SQL in Loopback

The Case For Native SQL

Sometimes you want to use a join. I know, I know, we can get a super set and filter it down, but relational databases are really good at this kind of thing. They’ve been doing it for a long, long time. As swift as the Node runtime has become, it can’t, and shouldn’t compete.

We want to limit our query by values on other models, but Loopback does not give us the facility to do this. Thera are a couple of options. 1) Create a View and then map a Loopback model to this View. It’s a good strategy, and one we use for some search features, but is not practical if you want to use the results to populate an existing model already mapped to a database table. 2) Write SQL, execute it and hydrate the Loopback models with the results by hand.

This blog post is going to examine the second of these options. Some of the code in here is specific to the PostgreSQL connector, though the same pattern will be appropriate for any relational database.

Getting Access to the Connector

To access the methods required, we need to get hold of the database connector.


If we deconstruct this a little bit, what are we doing?

In fact, the connector object is so useful, and I don’t want to keep typing it all the time, that we should create a reference to it that’s easier to type.

const connector = app.dataSources.db.connector.bind(app.dataSources.db)
//todo: check we need this.  Think we do… hmm maybe not actually

// bit about the bind if needed basics of setting up a data source - how to set up environment specific data sources, and a bit more detail on what they key/values in the datasource object are used for.

Further reading for interest - setting up programatic data sources - PostgreSQL connector info

Running the Query

Now we’ve got access to the Connector, this bit is really easy.

For the sake of this example, let’s assume a relatively simple query

const sql = `
        select w.*, wm.* from worksite w
          inner join worksitemeta wm on
          inner join jurisdiction j on
   = w.jurisdictionId
            wm.status = '${app.U.worksite.metaStatuses.STARTED}'
            and j.automaticworkcompletionperiod is not null
            and (now()::date - endDate::date) > j.automaticworkcompletionperiod

Then we can use this as simply as:

connector.execute(sql, null, (err, resultObjects) => {

Loopback is still heavily callback based, and since we’re quite deep into its API there is not promise equivalent of this method.

Hydrating the Models

We now have resultObjects, an array of objects, with each object representing one row of results from the query. Each row contains all the fields from, in this example the worksite and worksitemeta tables.

Warning: If you have columns of the same name in each table, only one field will be present in the javascript object. One table’s data will be lost. This is a real problem you’ll have to manage and design for.

We have to turn the data we get back from the server into the correct structure for hydrating the Loopback model. We can do that using:

const worksiteData = connector.fromRow('worksite', worksiteRaw)

The fromRow method performs the mapping from the model property key to the field name. From here, we simply create new instances of the models we want using this data.

const worksite = new app.models.Worksite(worksiteData)

Putting these bits of code together, we can end up something like this:

const worksites = => {
   const worksiteData = connector.fromRow('worksite', worksiteRaw)
   return new app.models.Worksite(worksiteData)
}) - see “Data Mapping Properties” for how the data mapping is managed. It’s normally not required to manually add these details, though here is where you can implement non-default options.

What About Related Models

Well, that’s a good question. When you query with Loopback, if you want the related model you can issue the query with an include instruction in the query, but you can’t do that here. You’ll note in the SQL there were two models worth of data returned. If you have unique field names, it is simple as passing the one results object (worksiteRaw in this example) into the fromRow method for each model. e.g.

const worksiteData = connector.fromRow('worksite', worksiteRaw)
const worksiteMetaData = connector.fromRow('worksiteMeta', worksiteRaw)

It is required to explicitly link the two, e.g.

worksite[‘worksite-meta’](new app.models.WorksiteMeta(worksiteMetaData))

And that’s it! You’re models are hydrated, linked and ready to be sent back via your API.

We Suffer In Testing

The downside of this approach, rather obviously, is that it relies on a PostgreSQL backend. Unit Testing of Loopback apps predominantly use the Memory connector, which means that code paths that require SQL population can’t be tested in this fashion.

The only solution would be to create a unit test specific database, and use that connector when in the node ‘test’ environment. While this will solve the problem, at Media Suite we’ve built some cool little hacks to make running the unit tests insanely fast - even with a full set-up and tear-down of fixture data for each test. For instance our test suite currently rips through 390 tests in somewhere around 12 seconds on my Macbook. If we were to move our tests to Postgres, we could easily be back around the eight minute mark.

This remains an outstanding area of investigation.

digitalsadhu commented 8 years ago

This is great stuff. Super useful to know. Thanks @JonForest

The main improvement I could see would be to drop the raw querying via the connector and integrate knex giving us A: consistency B: promises C: better more manageable syntax than raw sql. D: additional parameter safety?? It should be a simple thing to do to read datasources.json for the connection details and put the knex instance on app in a boot script or whatever.

Sabyasachi18 commented 7 years ago

Thanks a lot for posting this. This is helpful

anotheredward commented 7 years ago

The blog post was written up here: Closed! :)